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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Has there ever been a time when TV prices didn't go down over time? In my experience the best that you can hope for is to buy something that is acceptable to you at the end of its run and get it at the cheapest price possible. Or resign yourself to the fact that getting the TV now and enjoying it for 'x' number of months is worth more than some amount of savings you'd get by waiting.
  2. Vincent, are you looking for an upgrade from your current setup? Or are you still looking to sell the DAC1 and get something else? If it's the sell it option I'd see if you can't find someone early next year to build you a y1 dac (amb's latest project). I might have one in time for the NYC meet.
  3. Clearly you are not aware that she was the one who wanted the larger TV in the first place.
  4. I guess I should just be happy with far less than the "optimal" configuration. I can't imagine a 70" TV in my living room.
  5. A quick google turned up this seemingly helpful chart. Although I question the sanity of someone telling me that I need a 70" TV if I'm going to sit 10' away.
  6. Yup, my inlaws have one and it's a nice enough TV that I'd own it. And deepak, do you have a huge room or something, a 50" set is pretty damn big in my book. cue the tv crazies saying it can never be big enough
  7. Really, you'd rather spend a couple hundred bucks shipping a TV than walking into store to drop it off for service? That makes no sense to me, I've never had trouble returning anything to any of the big box stores. I don't know about the rest of you but I've been a frequent user of BBs extended warranty plans and with one exception I've come out way ahead as a result.
  8. My only advice would be to try and buy it local. I've had issues with both TV's that I bought in the last 10 years that required a service visit and that's one of those things that I wouldn't want to have to get processed through a Amazon/Buy.com/whatever reseller.
  9. That's great news Luis, I'm sure you'll probably still end up having to move (from the sound of things) but hopefully there's a lot that is able to be rescued and reused from the apartment. Me, today: chassis fabrication. There is always more than you think and it always takes longer than expected, even after having the front and rear panels substantially fabricated by someone else.
  10. At least someone was on the right wavelength with me!
  11. She is Mike and thanks, she was feeling well enough that I got some work done this afternoon. I'll be headed back down to the lab in a few minutes for more.
  12. It's a schooner, duh!
  13. Actually, the Highlander was selected for it's (relative) environmental friendliness. It gets 20 to 30% better fuel economy than the vehicle it replaced.
  14. I liked it when I heard it.
  15. I'll still be there if he comes back then.
  16. n_maher


    Works for me.
  17. Glad to see I didn't even have to bother banning that .
  18. DIY UPOCC-based cable.
  19. n_maher


    Keep it civil, please.
  20. Nope, just need to put it on craig's list and see if I can't make a couple hundred bucks on it.
  21. Ha, I was texting one handed while holding Lily yesterday morning so my options for a message were limited. Of course hearing that you guys were lounging around in shorts while we were watching it mist/rain/pour/rain/mist was a bit painful.
  22. Long gone, actually shortly after I got back from the first National Meet. It was like the crazy girl you convinced yourself it was a good idea to date even though you knew she would probably try to kill you. After three trips to the mechanic all cost over a grand each I passed along that problem to someone else. At least my domestication didn't include trading twin turbos for twins.
  23. Around here Ira has pretty much a stranglehold on pricing (being by far the lowest). I'd wager that I would have paid another couple grand for the vehicle at another dealership. Still, it was the typical dealer negotiation, I knew what a fair value for my truck was and simply threatened to walk until they offered within a couple hundred bucks of what I felt was reasonable. It sure was nice to be in a position where I owed 5 grand less than the truck was worth in trade.
  24. Yup, traded in the 03 Tacoma Double Cab which was proving to not be nearly as family friendly as we'd hoped it would be. The Highlander is already parked in the driveway.
  25. 2007 Toyota Highlander V6 4x4
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