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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. cj, Those 5998A's are pretty much repackaged 6as7s (I have a pair), we'll need to find out if you've got some older 5998s in the tube compliment included with the amp and if not find a way to get you a pair at some point. I'm not saying the A version is bad, but in my listening experience no where near as good as the real old 5998s. And I see you got your cable back.
  2. Black is Speakon, Blue is Powercon, both I think have the option for 4 conductors so either should work for you. And if you look hard enough you might be able to find the gold-plated speakon connectors that Mikhail uses on the singlepower amps.
  3. Neutrik Speakon works well and is pretty cheap. I used them on my PPA for exactly that purpose.
  4. The painted par chassis really are the way to go, their anodizing is just way to sketchy. Are you having the front panel machined? If no, it may be touch and go with panel mounted components depending on what you're planning to have mounted on it. .18" is pretty, and pretty thick.
  5. Good god Al, those look fantastic. And why do I get the sense you'll be needing some longer XLR cables...
  6. That's good (and bad) to hear. Hopefully who ever stole the logo gets their ass handed to them.
  7. In addition to the aesthetic choices made I'll be curious to find out why he reused the Zana name again. It would at least imply that the designs are somehow linked.
  8. CJ, I'll have a look at the PM's on Head-Fi and then I'll send you a PM here or there. We'll figure out what to do for a receipt and also how best to handle the repairs.
  9. CJ, I've produced a receipt before good enough to satisfy Canada Post, we can certainly try with FedEx too. It'll just have to wait till monday when I'm back in the office so I can access the forms I've created for Nugget Audio. You're not screwed yet, and also as with anything that I built I'll try to repair it. If it's a simple fix all that will be asked for is the shipping costs, I'd say it's likely that it would be a simple fix. Where and who did you sell it to, please have them shoot me a PM at Head-Fi.
  10. You do realize that just about every tube tester manual will tell you to tap the tube as you test it for shorts, right? From the sounds of it this was all due to a wonky input tube. One more thing CJ, it's not a good idea to power cycle a tube amp like you did. It's very hard on both the power supply and the tubes. If you have to shut the amp off I'd plan on waiting a half hour or so before turning it on. That's one more thing to add to the list of "The Joys of Tube Amp Ownership".
  11. In.
  12. And of course I meant to say that it was certainly worth downloading what at the time was 9 series and countless gigs of data. Watching it all was an epic journey.
  13. Last week's Top Gear (S12E03).
  14. Not that I could ever find. I got so angry about it that I purchased a rapidshare account and downloaded every episode since Clarkson took over. You might still be able to find torrents of them too, not that I endorse either action although in this case if they aren't going to try and make money off of it (make it available for sale) I don't feel that bad.
  15. I've got an old SikDin, I've never even tried it.
  16. n_maher

    slow forum

    That so belongs in Mayberry.
  17. I don't think so. IIRC the Touch and Phone have a different pinout, but I could be wrong. Here's the source of my line of thinking - http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f6/does-anyone-have-iphone-lod-pinout-308093/
  18. I had one built for me for $30, seemed reasonable. I'll let you know how it works when it shows up.
  19. I'd guess just a wee bit ironic, yes.
  20. n_maher

    slow forum

    Way to give Dan ammunition.
  21. Is this phone only or for the Touch too? Answered my own question: yes, this update applies to the Touch as well. I'm installing it now.
  22. To back up what GE and Al said, there are few pure copper cables for the Senns and even fewer that offer any sort of significant improvement over the stock cable. I forgot that I had a picture loaded up of my cable, it's pretty non-bling boring black but here you go.
  23. Yes, that was part of the plan. It's already built and should ship in a matter of days (I think). And yes Haj, that is a bunch of wire but if calculations are correct it's mostly spoken for already.
  24. We yew tew.
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