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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. The manual for my Jackson 648S does and I've seen it in others so I guess we've just been looking at different manuals. The point stands though, it's highly unlikely you'd do any damage to a tube by tapping on it. You're certainly not going to cause any sort of thermonuclear meltdown as a result.
  2. cj, until further notice don't use anything other than inexpensive tubes in the output positions. Also, I'm not convinced the tubes are dead, we should try to get them into a known good amp or at least tested to see. If you need some inexpensive tubes for testing the amp let me know, I've got a couple pairs.
  3. wut?
  4. Even if it is a rather appropriate substitution.
  5. I'd be interested in a few of those, PM incoming.
  6. This had me in stitches, thanks for that. Sorry to hear you had a crappy night, I've been there and will surely be there again at some point. Although midnight laundry has not been required so far (knocks on wood). Wuhoo!
  7. Not to completely derail this thread but I might, just might have the resistors for you. I ordered a spare set of 1k/50W resistors when I was building the Menace that should be in a box somewhere.
  8. PM me if I can help with the vantotl, not sure what freebies the parts box might contain that could be of use but I'll look.
  9. Not sure I have that many output tubes since I have to buy pairs it gets expensive. I also have a bunch of pairs of rectifiers too, not to mention standard Millett hybrid tubes and now a growing collection of Starving tubes too.
  10. Speaking of tubes, YGPM jack. Also, gdang, I looked last night and I think I have 30+ input tubes for the Menace now.
  11. oh jebus, jp#'s on foreign soil, have the embassy on speed dial Indra!
  12. I disagree. There are times a fatty mcd's breakfast is just what the doctor ordered.
  13. NH, being particularly acquainted with being first in the nation, would be happy to assist.
  14. I'd be more than willing to run the lot through my tester provided I can have pick of the litter. :BFG:
  15. Sweet stash, all I found in my attic was an old crappy dollhouse.
  16. Welcome. I encourage you to spend a good amount of time reading and getting to know this place before posting a lot.
  17. n_maher


    Newegg just sent out their Black Friday list and it lists WD 1TB SATA drives at $99/each which sounds pretty good to me.
  18. From what I see it's only Series 10 and $2/ep isn't great. Still, it's better than nothing. It's just that there is so much goodness in the earlier Series it's a shame they aren't more accessible.
  19. Like just about everything else in this hobby opinions vary about which tube position will affect the sound more. Personally, I think the input tube has the most potential to influence the sound but I can certainly hear the difference between output tubes.
  20. Happy Birthday, eh?!
  21. n_maher

    slow forum

    That video did little to improve my feelings on the RHCP.
  22. It is, provided that a) you don't care about the electric blue (only option IIRC) connectors and don't mind making your own power cords.
  23. That's the way I built it, yes.
  24. It's pretty normal for tubes to make audible noises while both heating up and cooling down, most of which don't sound all that pretty. The fact that you'd been running them for a few hours means they were good and hot and had a ways to go to get back to room temperature, I wouldn't be worried.
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