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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Mostly just looking for a nice place that they might not go or find otherwise. I'll post general geography later. Thanks for the help so far guys.
  2. Yup, it was inhaling batteries at a rate of about 1 every 3 weeks or so. According to everything that I've read it will be replaced instead of repaired and should be back any day now.
  3. GTFO - I got Mike again? Did that really happen?
  4. Unless you need video, and why you'd want video in your DSLR body quite frankly escapes me, pick up a D80 which is probably considerably less expensive now. I've seen bodies for ~$500 slightly used. Of course if you really want to take pictures and don't care about the street cred of the body I'd probably go after a D2H.
  5. And that's from the living room some 30' and 3 rooms away from the router.
  6. One semi-angry phone call to Comcast later and they knocked 20% off my bill and reactivated the two premium channels that we previously had. Amazing that they flat out refused to do this for my wife not more than two weeks ago and had the balls to charge us a $1.99 change of service fee for the expiration of the of their promotion.
  7. Best of luck with the Suunto, mine has already been sent back for repair.
  8. If pairings are not posted by tomorrow afternoon I'll do them.
  9. Al, Any recollections of what prices are like at either of those locations? I'm looking for something in the $30 a plate range so that a $100 or so will cover dinner and drinks.
  10. So I need to enlist the help of some of the LA folks in making a couple of recommendations for good, reasonably priced restaurants in the LA area. My sister lives out there and every year for Xmas I try to get her a gift certificate to a place she might not otherwise know about or feel like she can afford. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
  11. The only GS1k that I've ever heard that I liked was one of the two prototypes from the first National Meet. I've heard it more than once, compared it to other GS1000s and it's a pretty different beast.
  12. n_maher

    slow forum

    100 times?
  13. Funny, I prefer the KSC75 to the GS1K.
  14. I'm with dan, the worst that you'd need is a male/female converter for the rear panel outputs if you wanted to see about driving your headphones balanced. I'd need to take a whole lot closer look to see if it's worth doing (based on how he's creating a balanced signal for the preamp output). Regardless, it's nothing worth stressing over. My primary headphone amp is single ended, I don't feel like I'm missing anything.
  15. Never quite got why that amp offered balanced preamp outputs but only single ended headphone outputs. I wonder if one each of the headphone outputs is out of phase and with an adapter it could be made to drive headphone balanced from the front panel.
  16. n_maher

    slow forum

    needs moar fan
  17. Yes, it was covered in multiple threads quite some time ago. It interests me to a point but not enough.
  18. When we moved to the house (2-1/2 yrs go) none of the sattelite providers showed that they offered web access in my region. I guess it'd be worth looking into again. Who are the major providers these days?
  19. n_maher

    slow forum

  20. We sort of tried that a few months ago when we dropped the sports package at the end of a promotional period, at that time they weren't interested in offering us any other promotion except ones with higher monthly prices. We didn't really threaten to leave because we live out in the hinterlands and there is literally no other option for high speed web access. But I may try it now, the amount I pay for I/C/P is insane for the craptacular service we get.
  21. Did they give you the free larger bill too? I got a notice from them last week that it was their pleasure to inform me that rates are going up for all 3 of the services that I have with them. I'd like to Comcast.
  22. n_maher

    Hum Issue

    Well of course if there are dual primaries then you would have to wire them appropriately, but in those cases the instructions are pretty clear I think. But in the case of transformers with a single primary (like any of the Hammond 270 series from my experience, or single primary trafos from SumR) it doesn't matter which way you wire them. Here's Hammond's wiring diagram for the 270 series. And Here's the 370 series:
  23. n_maher

    Hum Issue

    I'm guessing it had to be on the secondary side since there really shouldn't be a way to damage a trafo on the primary side by wiring either end to the hot or neutral for that matter. I know of at least one man'f who's told me as much and every Hammond trafo that I've used certainly hasn't had markings on the primary wires.
  24. Does it say it starts at 0?
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