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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. And here I would have thought it would have been an honor to be in the same company as the likes of you and jp#'s. Most of us are just common gear whores, you guys are like the high-priced call girl's of the GAS world.
  2. The Decemberists - Picaresque
  3. Not if he wants to sell it.
  4. That setup is commonly referred to as "meet conditions" grounding.
  5. I love how you completely omit the purchase of the full Headroom Desktop setup.
  6. Yes, you can just tie the shield to one of the '-' binding posts at the speaker with the amp in it.
  7. I'd at least try a different location first to rule out local interference.
  8. At 5pm I cleared 12" of snow off the driveway. During the course of the 45min. that it took to clear the driveway I'd say we got at least another half inch. I haven't had the heart to look at it again since I came inside, whatever is out there it'll be there tomorrow morning when I have to deal with it.
  9. Well the good news is that it appears to be back up and running. It seems to have been a combination of a known issue with the optional SS rectifiers and the potential of a bad rectifier tube.
  10. 1. Watched it snow. 2. Fought with Comcast, who for reasons unknown have seen fit to turn off all of my HD service outside of basic broadcast channels. 3. Watched it snow some more. 4. Fought with the SimpleSE which blew a fuse late last night at the tail end of a listening session. It's unclear what the problem might be.
  11. I'm with naaman on this one, especially since Vincent said that unshielded XLRs had been a problem in the past as well. Someone correct me if I'm wrong buy I think line level signals are much more prone to noise and that's why you hardly ever see shielded speaker cable. Vincent, if you need some shielded RCA's I've got a spare pair kicking around I could send your way.
  12. Grrr, after around 10" yesterday I awoke to this... Forecast for today is 12 to 18".
  13. There may be trim pieces already in the works.
  14. n_maher


    x eleventybillion
  15. Only if applied in a non-ventilated space. Honestly, I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to paint it unless I decide to temporarily heat one side of the garage so the paint can cure. I'm not really upset with the way it looks right now, I just wished I'd taken a bit more care during fabrication so that I could have just left it as it sits with no concerns.
  16. I'm pretty sure some shade of hammered gray. I like the black on gray motif that the trafos create and while I was originally thinking of painting it black I think I'll go for the contrast this time.
  17. n_maher


    I'm just excited that it's now less than 2 months to the premier of Dollhouse.
  18. FIFY Semi Finished Overall Upskirt Overall Ground Central Shielded Input Wiring The "No Electrolytics Zone" Still need to wire up the pot but that can wait. Also, need to figure out if I'm just going to set it and forget it on the recommended output setting (cathode feedback, ultralinear mode) or if I want the hassle of switched settings for both. That too can wait until next year.
  19. You know I have some spare parts kicking around...
  20. I had a profoundly crappy day at work and as such when I got home it seemed ill-advised to work on a project for someone else that could end up being thrown and relative high speed into a wall. So, with those qualifications the Simple was about the only thing heavy enough to prevent hurling. I set about wiring it up in simple triode mode which took about 2hrs. About 10 minutes ago I flicked the switch and it's still here, I'm still here, and Joanna Newsome sounds pretty outstanding. Pics tomorrow, although they're pretty boring unless you like internal wiring shots.
  21. Pics or ban, you have 24hrs. Some of us need inspiration, although one would have figured that hearing the SimpleSE make music for the first time 5 minutes ago would have covered that.
  22. I'm sorry to laugh at your pain but your stories are quite entertaining.
  23. Greg is going to get tired holding his hand up. Nate still has to design a chassis for them and is undecided about 1 or 2 chassis design and when he's undecided he's tends to waffle back and forth. See balanced beta22 project which is coming up on its one year anniversary.
  24. Haj, Some day I'll get the Headroom Icepower amps built and I'm sure a loaner program can be arranged.
  25. As others have said deepak, the RK40 log version appears to now be a thing of the past.
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