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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. It was 2.6 when I left for work this morning.
  2. I should really dig out my golf discs this spring.
  3. Unfortunately time will not permit me to be the one making use of this wood. But pics will certainly be posted when I've got the cabinets and started assembly.
  4. Ok, fine. Bought 2x Koss ESP 950 SR Lambda Pro SRM1 MKII Sold 2x Koss ESP 950 SR Lambda Pro SRM1 MKII
  5. oh boy, here we go... 3x 3/4 x 24 x 30 sheets of Baltic Birch Plywood 2x 3/4 x 6 x 36 pieces of Walnut The cicada drivers may finally find a home.
  6. Ok, I'll make a sincere effort at this. Bought or Built Grado SR225s 16GB Ipod Touch '06 Headroom Micro Amp Buffalo DAC SimpleSE "kit" The Menace Millett Starving Student Hybrid Damaged Beta22 pcbs (still in a box, potential '09 project) Sextetts Millett Mini Max y1 DAC DT770 parts Sold Grado SR225s EZ-Stream Wireless Music Server x2 Squeezebox V1 ATH W-5000 Hagerman Bugle 30GB Zune '06 Headroom Micro Amp Equation Audio RP-22X Aikido Parts Mini
  7. My Brightest Diamond - A Thousand Shark's Teeth
  8. I remember enjoying that quite a bit.
  9. n_maher


    Damn, that is a good deal.
  10. I think Tyll usually goes, might drop him a line.
  11. n_maher

    slow forum

    Duggeh beat you to it. http://www.head-case.org/forums/186562-post3777.html
  12. Pfft, I love it. Outstanding work my friend, simply outstanding.
  13. It's happened to me before with Etys with a foam tip, I was able to self-extract the offending foam tip with tweezers. This was one of the reasons that I strongly considered a move to customs and that's something I hope to revisit in '09 if cash permits.
  14. And here I would have thought it would have been an honor to be in the same company as the likes of you and jp#'s. Most of us are just common gear whores, you guys are like the high-priced call girl's of the GAS world.
  15. The Decemberists - Picaresque
  16. Not if he wants to sell it.
  17. That setup is commonly referred to as "meet conditions" grounding.
  18. I love how you completely omit the purchase of the full Headroom Desktop setup.
  19. Yes, you can just tie the shield to one of the '-' binding posts at the speaker with the amp in it.
  20. I'd at least try a different location first to rule out local interference.
  21. At 5pm I cleared 12" of snow off the driveway. During the course of the 45min. that it took to clear the driveway I'd say we got at least another half inch. I haven't had the heart to look at it again since I came inside, whatever is out there it'll be there tomorrow morning when I have to deal with it.
  22. Well the good news is that it appears to be back up and running. It seems to have been a combination of a known issue with the optional SS rectifiers and the potential of a bad rectifier tube.
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