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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Oh snap, it's a sad day when you get fired by your lawyer. And Dreadhead, Amazon can put up a preorder for whatever they want and the find a distributor much like Buy.com operates. They are, in essence just a huge reseller. There is also the issue of initial supply limits and who Sennheiser would rather have selling those initial units. And I'd argue there's a hell of a lot larger market for high dollar camera gear than headphones.
  2. It's clearly a different product category than the HD580/600/650 so the rules may indeed be different. Amazon's gig is to sell so much of something they can discount it and Sennheiser might not want to see their brand new headphone immediately discounted. And I don't think sales numbers are going to be all that high, or at least high enough that Amazon would be a major player. It's not like Amazon carries every headphone (no Stax, for example).
  3. Rumor has it that Amazon isn't going to be allowed to sell them directly. The way I understand it they will only be distributed through Authorized dealers, kind of like Grado.
  4. I prefer...
  5. Yes, that is my theory. And of course some amps are less tolerant than others of tubes that behave differently. blubliss, I don't know you enough to not like you, must not have gotten the PM or it got lost in the Lily shuffle. What set of tubes did you get from me?
  6. I would recommend contacting Justin as well, could be he knows more about the GS-1 than doosik.
  7. n_maher

    slow forum

    I love the fact that the kid says he learned how to drive from playing Grand Theft Auto.
  8. I really wish Tom would post pictures of the power supply that he was shipped.
  9. Get with it, would you? I've been hearing vague rumors about this project for longer than I can remember.
  10. Too bad the music thus far (sampling 4 albums) has been largely unimpressive.
  11. That's a LONG story and goes back 4 years or more. No way I'm typing it up or reliving it any time soon. And honestly it's really not worth it. Mistakes were made on both sides and for the most part everyone has moved on amicably. Even Tom understands that he made a mistake posting the original MiniMax thread in the way that he did. And I didn't read any attitude in your post.
  12. It was way more than that and goes back almost as far as when drewd was (justly) banned from HF.
  13. Xandria - Kill The Sun
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV1PmhCq9M4
  15. The dealer where I bought my Triumph sells them, and I want one bad.
  16. Yeah, my dad has the same table/router combo with a similar fence. It's sweet and makes my Bosch look like a toy.
  17. Ryan, I think it's clear at this point that for the last year or more Mikhail has not been operating in the really-real world and expecting him to act in a manner consistent with "normal" is not realistic. I hope he gets through this and goes back to being the Mikhail I met four years ago, but I haven't seen any evidence to support that.
  18. Pics or ban. And this is the stock enclosure design, right? I was perusing the website yesterday and saw some similar boxes, although I can't believe that you didn't go all out. :eek:
  19. Nice looking build, although I'd encourage the use of grommets on the holes as the trafo wires pass through the aluminum top plate. Kind of late to put them on now but frayed high voltage wires plague my build nightmares.
  20. I'd take Zach up on his very kind offer, you could spend 4x his asking price and not do better.
  21. That's a pretty tight budget for anything other than pretty basic balanced cables. I'd have a look at Blue Jeans Cables and see what they can do for you, in that price bracket they're pretty hard to beat and some would argue that spending more than that isn't buying you anything.
  22. I completely understand the lust for a GSXR but again my 2
  23. With all due respect, no they don't. Your katana has as much a sport riding position as my Sprint. The handlebars are mounted above the triple clamp, which makes a huge difference. And if you think your legs are at all cramped on your current ride you're in for a painful experience on any of the 600 supersports. My brother owned both a GSXR650 and 750 and I rode them both, they bring the SUCK for commuting. I'd rather be poked in the eye with a sharp stick than ride that style of bike anywhere outside a racetrack. .I pay less than $300/yr for my Sprint and insurance was the reason I'm not on a VFR. Even when I was your age it was 1/3 what a VFR would have been despite having a larger motor and being worth more. That's hard to say, could you really get $2k for it knowing that it needs that much work?
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