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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. n_maher

    slow forum

  2. Lewis Black - Anticipation
  3. If he's any sort of businessman the tubes would be owned by a separate entity.
  4. Lewis Black - Rules of Enragement
  5. Just when I think this whole situation can't get anymore f'ed up or worse something like this rolls around.
  6. While I've heard the same rumor I have yet to see documented evidence of this. If it exists I'd appreciate a link. I'm looking for something like when a MPX3 with serial #:XXXX was sent in and MPX3 #:YYYY was sent back. And if I was someone involved with this I would print out a dated copy of the Moon Audio Single Power page showing the warranties of the various amps along with one of the online reviews that states at least the basic 36mo PPX3 coverage. To my knowledge there's no official version and Moon's may be the only written instance of Singlepower's warranty. There certainly isn't anything on SP's website and I don't think their amps come with any official paperwork do they? I can see this as one of the first sticking points that a lawyer representing Mikhail could go after.
  7. When is Rain Man going to start marketing their needledrops? I can think of at least one gaming establishment that would be a good place to test demand.
  8. (>'_')><('_'<)
  9. I keep coming back to this so I'm finally going to point it out. Every g-dang major shipper (UPS/FedEx/USPS) will come to your door and pick up packages. You don't have to go anywhere to get it into their hands. Why, after clearly printing the shipping labels, Mikhail doesn't just dial 1-800-GO-FEDEX like everyone else in the country is beyond my reasoning. Unless, unfortuately, he doesn't have anything to ship in which case it's convenient for him to be able to blame FedEx processing delays (bullcrap) or anything else he can think up. And no, there isn't a size limit on USPS packages (well, there is, but an amp wouldn't violate it by a long shot). All that is required to ship items requiring more than $5000 worth of insurance is the use of the Registered Mail System. RM can be used with both First Class and Priority Mail shipments, carries a minimum $10 fee (plus insurance) plus all regular shipping expenses. I ran a rough estimate for Dan's package this morning and it'd cost about $80 to ship the amp via USPS Priority Mail with Registered Mail including $10,000 worth of insurance. The same, 24"x24"x12" x 20lb package shipped through FedEx is probably going to cost ~$110. Shipping F'ing Fail.
  10. Damn, that's cold. It was 1.something at the house this morning but eerily calm.
  11. I wonder how long he would have to hold the amp before it could legitimately be considered theft? And as usual, he's just wrong.
  12. Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man - Out of Season
  13. I'd laugh if one of you got stuck with them if the auction didn't go nearly as high as expected. Ebay is a fickle bitch.
  14. No, you don't get it, they've added so many days onto the end of the year they are now taking days away from the typical mid-April vacation week. That hasn't happened around here in the last quarter century. If they add any more days onto the end of the year the kids will have school after the 4th of July. Dan, Sorry to hear that it's SSDD with Mikhail.
  15. Alice Smith - For Lovers, Dreamers & Me No idea where I picked this up so I decided to give it a listen. Nice change of pace so far.
  16. Not to play debbie downer but all he had to do to get those tracking numbers is to hop online and fill out a form and throw in some weights and sizes. Nothing has to be packed. I could do the same right now no USPS's site and say I sent you something. I'd probably push that as the next course of action. Simply state that his inability to get to FedEx to ship the package is BS and that you'll pay for shipping yourself, deduct it from what you owe him and schedule a FedEx pickup for tomorrow. If he balks at giving you the pickup address I'd say you'd have your answer as to whether or not the amp is really ready to ship. Goddamnit I hate his stupid little games.
  17. My wife works in a school and they've missed so many days already (mostly due to the epic ice storm) that the school just announced that any further cancellations will be taken out of school vacation weeks. Talk about a kick in the nuts...
  18. A used copy of GT5 - Prologue.
  19. Which could all be shortened to "too little listening time" and then would be most correct. I think in keeping the y1 for work, duet for the soldering rig and Hertsens for the headphone rig I'm pretty well covered though.
  20. n_maher

    slow forum

    Fair enough, one more.
  21. n_maher

    slow forum

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