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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Rachel Yamagata - Elephants...Teeth Sinking Into Heart
  2. Alan, I think that I posted the part number for those grommets in this thread, I'll look. Otherwise they are from McMaster Carr and can be found by searching for "vibration control grommets". I use them for mounting trafos and chokes because I don't care for metal to metal connections but they really are only required for the PS iron (if you're concerned about vibes). I realize that they end up requiring a bit more wiring (safety grounds for all the isolated components) but hey, you can't get something for nothing. And I use the standard black grommets to provide protection for wires that run through the chassis so anywhere you see one of those there's a wire chase from the component to the circuit below. And thanks for the kind words, I'm enjoying the SimpleSE right now.
  3. Yup, still raining here but cold enough that nothing is melting. Clearing the driveway tomorrow morning is going to suck.
  4. I doubt they'll try to inflate demand like that. There may be supply issues regardless given the "hand built" nature of the product. I'm sure there's a limit to how many they can produce when pushed, heck if I know what that is.
  5. Oh, that's the original picture. I just changed the title.
  6. It's mixing here in Portsmouth which means it's probably still snowing inland. The drive home should be entertaining...
  7. I don't think that you're translating his statement correctly. But I'm not qualified to speak for Tyll, I'd ask him directly for clarification since I'm betting Sennheiser will be doing everything within their power to provide as many HD800s as Tyll and others can sell and won't limit themselves to what they originally anticipated for demand.
  8. This thread needs moar Anna. Agua de Annique - Air
  9. 1. Two large aluminum heatsinks. 1 for a switchable dummy load for testing purposes, 1 for a unique SSMH build to use up some spare parts. 2. M-Audio Firewire Audiophile DAC (second time I've bought one). 3. Parts for repairs of various damaged amps.
  10. n_maher

    slow forum

    The composition and subjects are excellent but am I the only one who finds a lot of them horribly overexposed? Maybe that's what he's going for but many of them look blown out to me.
  11. It's been my experience that unless he'd be doing heavy 3D work just about any consumer VC is going to do just fine and he won't require anything special. What CAD does do, especially the more recent versions, is suck RAM like it's going out of style and hog the CPU. Even with that said I'd wager that anything with a couple gigs of RAM, a decent dual core processor and VC will serve him well.
  12. Seemed like you were getting good advice in the thread.
  13. I love folks who dismiss opamp based output stages without hearing it first.
  14. It's but a PM away posty.
  15. And Lucifer's own soldering iron.
  16. I hate those RCAs like the plague, I'll never use them again for any project. Rhodium plating is the devil.
  17. I see the progression of this being something like this: Mikhail must be given an opportunity to make amends. Ridiculous, yes, but I think that part of the scenario must at least be given a limited time period to play itself out prior to the reconstruction efforts really starting to gel. The end result of all of that might be Dan with a wad of cash and no amp, Dan with some cash and the broken pieces he has no or Dan with no cash and the broken bits and pieces. There are any number of choices that Dan will have to make after that and I think we, the community, can then be ready to step in and offer some assistance. If that's repairing the busted PS I'm sure we can find a way to do that, if it's gutting the chassis and using what we can we'll see what's needed and go from there. I think what is most important at this point is for Dan to know he's not alone on an island, which he clearly does.
  18. I'm in for whatever. I have a couple ideas brewing that I'll throw out to my DIY brethren via PM once they've coalesced a bit more.
  19. It's kind of like me reading your gun posts. I go, "oh, it shoots bullets" but that's about all I get out of it. What I bought was diagnostic tools used for trouble shooting amplifiers and other electronic circuits. Pretty boring unless you're a nerd.
  20. waaaaah
  21. Haven't decided which I'll buy yet (have the option of either) but Saturday I picked up a Tek 465 (w/ spare parts scope) and the previously mentioned 7633. Got both working last night and was able to check them with their respective calibration signals.
  22. No worries Colin, I'll give you at least $20 for them.
  23. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
  24. Funny, I find the bottom end of the DT770s fatiguing. Of course I've never heard a Beyer I liked so it could be me that just doesn't agree with them.
  25. I would not look to an amp to substantially alter the sound signature of your headphones. I haven't heard the DT990s so I can't say if they really are the issue or if something else in the chain is to blame but my Dt770s certainly aren't neutral sounding.
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