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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Heh indeed. Wife started to get ill this afternoon and is officially sick now. Looks like I'm flying solo tonight with two sick ladies.
  2. Don't forget the lead weights for mass dampening.
  3. Yeah, it's been a rough 3 nights leading up to this but at various points this weekend she'd seem to improve for a bit and then go downhill at night so Maura took her to the Doc today to get the bad news. Here's to hoping she lets me sleep a bit tonight, the whole house needs it.
  4. Cmoy Monoblocks?
  5. Amoxicillin and nebulzier treatments for Lily who's sporting a dual ear infection and a pretty awful sounding chest cold.
  6. Someone in NYC needs to have a go at these: STAX ELS F8 rare electrostatic speakers - eBay (item 150324182082 end time Feb-06-09 17:58:00 PST)
  7. Two scope probes and a BNC patch cable. The test equipment stash grows.
  8. Wish I could help/join in but there's no way I can take on another project right now.
  9. Pics or ban?
  10. n_maher

    slow forum

  11. As if "God is good" Ben will be any better?
  12. Have to say, of the non-local interest Superbowls this one's appeal is pretty low for me.
  13. Gene, What's the LOD need to be like? Short, long, use in a home or portable rig? I think that the 1st and 2nd Gen touches can use the same LODs and if so I probably have a couple options for you.
  14. Yo, Jay! Happy Birthday!
  15. Nice, I was talking with Richard today as well.
  16. Oh dear, Brian is here.
  17. I'm regretting selling my last year.
  18. n_maher

    slow forum

    mom makes son have panic attack Video by Steven - MySpace Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=41644366@@AMEPARAM@@mediaservices@@AMEPARAM@@myspace@@AMEPARAM@@services/media/embed@@AMEPARAM@@aspx/m@@AMEPARAM@@41644366
  19. n_maher

    slow forum

  20. Context cases are nice, but be prepped to do your own ventilation which can be a huge time suck. Lansing are the nicest looking I've worked with so far (their finish on the Graybox series is outstanding) but their top and bottom plates are pretty light gage so be prepared to address those. Not a big deal, but something to consider. There is also Teko who caries some cases you'll recognize, but not the ones you're looking for unfortunately. Finally, Par Metals is hit or miss and the only way that I'd use them again is to order a painted chassis body with no face or back plates.
  21. deepak, I'd sit down with an accountant if you can. International income, based on what little I've heard from friends who've worked abroad, gets rather complicated.
  22. My experience, no way around the pickle. No one stateside (that I've found offers anything in the way of a chassis with integrated heat sinks. But, what I'd add to that is to say that even after paying the exorbitant shipping from Italy you'll still end up paying less than what you would for the same chassis made in the US.
  23. No, that's an extended warranty plan from Sinlgepower.
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