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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Swallow The Sun - Hope
  2. All you have to do is call your CC and have them authorize another address. I did it for my work address which is now confirmed through paypal as well.
  3. Unashamedly.
  4. Fringe
  5. And the issue being hashed out for me is why would "a little bird" would wish to cast the 307A in the light of being made up from readily available parts? Of course it is, there's hardly an amp of any kind made that isn't founded in generic parts available online. There's only so exotic one can get without being just plain stupid when it comes to passives. In this case, no effort was made to be particularly exotic in component selection, and the ad copy is unapologetic about that. The goal was to use what sounded good, not what sounded good on paper. My opinion, having heard the amp extensively at CanJam FLA is that Pete succeeded. Just like I thought Craig had done very well with the design of the Balancing Act I heard there too.
  6. I too am pretty fired up for this.
  7. FWIW my source is Pete and admittedly our discussions about this amp have been pretty limited and were mostly just in passing during the design and testing of the Menace.
  8. Don't forget that there was actually prototyping and testing done as well so there is some real development cost to be recouped. IIRC Pete went through 3 or 4 chokes before he found one that would work (the custom piece). And I wouldn't be shocked to learn that there was more than $1200 in parts in the build either. I'd bet the iron alone takes up as much as 50 to 75% of that figure and the chassis, while not pretty in everyone's book isn't some piano finished turd either. 909, I don't get your latest comment. Are you saying that you find something disingenuous about the 307A's product description? If anything I find it remarkably transparent and devoid of the usual bullshit that seems par for the course these days. It gives actual information about the circuit without name dropping every component they used, where's the fault in that?
  9. I dunno, for a first episode I thought it did well. Heck, it's already better than any Sarah Conor episode I saw in the first two seasons of that train wreck. I give it 3 out of 4 "Grrr, Arrrgs".
  10. Most electra-print trafos/chokes/etc are custom orders so yes I'm sure you can call/email and get the same thing if that's who made them for Pete. But that's hardly an "off the shelf" item. It shouldn't come as a shock to anyone to find out that the amp uses current production parts. The idea wasn't to create something that could only be built a finite number of time or never repaired in kind. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure that more than just the chassis is custom. Pete designed it from the ground up, layout and all and went through several circuit and part revisions before settling on what is the production version. You make it sound like he called up a couple companies, ordered some parts and slapped them in a custom chassis. That's pretty off base from where I sit.
  11. Nope, I just don't use it on headphones anymore since the Cardas connectors are color coded.
  12. He's not in the high end headphone hobby any more, he's strictly low end speakers.
  13. A box of spare parts.
  14. One other thing to consider is that if anyone is planning to go the speaker output route I'd recommend putting a Zobel on the outputs. I've actually worked up a little Zobel PCB that I'll be ordering a few of if is interested.
  15. Glad to hear you're home and the prognosis, while painful, is that you will remain with us for quite some time.
  16. The DVR is ready for action!
  17. Man those look f'ing sweet!
  18. I think Kevin is saying he's either 4 - 4 or 8 - 8, I do not believe he's offering to build for others or asking someone to build for him.
  19. I believe that you can request that they send an additional front panel in lieu of the back panel. I'm pretty sure that's what amb did with his beta24.
  20. Yup, that's a CPBP-CRS.
  21. Right, that would make a lot more sense.
  22. 1. When you say case costs are you including the various finishing bits and pieces or do you just mean raw chassis including panel fab? If it's the latter and you go single chassis figure $200 for just the bones. The chassis once it gets shipped will probably run ~$100 and having both panels done will probably run another $100 (maybe less, maybe more). Of course that leaves you a long way from a finished case but you know that. I'd bet I spent ~$300 on Mike's beta22 including the knobs, switches, RCA's, IEC, etc. 2. You do not want to be mounting the trafo to a PCB, or at least I wouldn't. For me and my money and with the size of the sucker you're talking here I'd want that beast bolted to metal and no chance of shock loading a solder joint or pcb with anything else attached to it.
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