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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Yup, thought it was decent enough to try again next week. Not great, not bad.
  2. The headphone shuffle | Headphones | Playlist | Macworld Wow, I hate button.
  3. Try reading the wikipedia article on pulleys, it does a fair job of explaining the general principle of why there is a mechanical advantage gained using a block and tackle (just a pulley system). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulley
  4. Very nice! Thanks, it's very much appreciated.
  5. Let me know if you guys have trouble raising funds for the meet, a quick set of cables can always been produced for auctions/raffles/etc.
  6. That's all I've seen.
  7. No, that's why they put caps lock directly opposite so when you're slamming with both fists it comes out ALL CAPS!!!!1
  8. I don't read the results of this survey as the death or lack of real preference of fidelity more as a confirmation of the human condition. People will be come conditioned to whatever it is that they are most often presented with and become comfortable with that because we, as a species, are generally pretty complacent. If high fidelity recordings were the norm and mp3's the exception I'd wager the results would be reversed.
  9. Gary, I'm not sure I'd even try to remove the opamp intact. Just cut the little bugger off and then take your time removing the remnants of the legs.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Sirenia - An Elixir for Existence
  12. Wow, pure fail on the controls part. I'd never own one for that reason alone.
  13. As opposed to MarkL, which would be $0.
  14. Yes, that's correct.
  15. Your best bet may be impressions from the upcoming NYC meet.
  16. Prototype's aren't going to help much if you guys have already ordered thousands of dollars worth of parts. The lesson here is that these things take time, cost money, and shouldn't be rushed. At least that's my opinion, I can't keep up with this thread given my un-involvement but I'd just hate to see a bunch of you invest with unnecessary risk.
  17. It would be the round hole cutter tech's opinion that at least one prototype might be a wise idea...
  18. I hear you Gary, some days it's better to just walk away.
  19. Regina Spektor - Mary Ann Meets the Gravediggers and Other Short Stories
  20. We are aware of the rule, this thread will only get worse so I'm closing it.
  21. I don't think that I'll be staying over for this meet but some may and there's usually enough of the local crew sticking around for good times to be had. Right now the plan is to Cannon Ball Run down Saturday morning and make the return trip late that night. I'm hoping my copilot will be available.
  22. I too am in the market for an extender, just running B/G, is there anything cheaper than the APX? I'd had to pay for the extender than I did for the router.
  23. No, we haven't had a good and proper NE meet in a long time. I don't have the time to plan one and Dave (drp) who used to do a lot of the leg work has been crazy too. I've taken to trying to attend the NYC meets when I can and will be going this month. You should try and make the trek.
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