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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Fair enough, I did exactly ZERO research since I don't own an Iphone and am keeping the Touch legal. I was merely pointing out that there are certainly copies floating around out there.
  2. I've already seen a BETA available for download.
  3. Ahhh, the pAssHat, I never made the mistake of buying one of those.
  4. The Decemberists - The Hazards of Love
  5. Stephen King - Duma Key
  6. I'd bet the SimpleSE would make a fine K1k amp, but shipping would probably be prohibitive to you. Otherwise I'd try to commission someone to build Pete Millett's K1K amp. Not entirely sure it could be done on your budget, but I'd look into it if I were you. Otherwise the commercial offerings are numerous.
  7. n_maher

    Battlestar Galactica

    I've been struggling with the last episodes, I'm 2 weeks behind right now with almost no motivation to see it through to the end. Odd, I know, but I feel they've taken the show to a place where they just can't close it out in a fashion that will leave me anything other than disappointed. And that makes me sad.
  8. Nice indeed. I designed some metal cups similar to your first ones a year or so ago but decided they were cost prohibitive and I prefer turning wood myself. Good to see I'm not the only crazy person. Dinny, I bet they sound heavy. That's a lot more material than Grado uses on their cups.
  9. This can be fixed with a PM if you're interested in a preview.
  10. Last I heard AKG was saying that they were all gone.
  11. Any more pics of the SR225s? Do they really have metal cups?
  12. The BHSE requires the use of a separate multi-meter, but the adjustment is as simple as turning a screw and if you can plug in the power cord you should be able to handle the biasing.
  13. Metric - Fantasies
  14. Draconian - Where Lovers Mourn
  15. See sig.
  16. I'm just dying laughing at their "high end cables" that use $1 Nuetrik plugs.
  17. n_maher

    slow forum

    *MILDLY NSFW* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl6ZAXytvjY
  18. *cough* SimpleSE *cough*
  19. Yeah, I'm out for the transformers. The DIY fund is bleeding bad right now...
  20. Wouldn't that school only apply if they were using the oppo as a transport? I don't see a separate DAC in that rig.
  21. Saturday: installed a new water softener and remember why I am not a plumber. It only took 3 tries and 2 trips to Lowes to get a non-leaky connection. Lesson: I am better at soldering PCB's than pipes. Sunday: God insisted that I rest, so I did. Took a nice walk with the family as temps topped 60. Cleaned up the mess made by Saturday's adventures in plumbing. Didn't have to worry about Lily puking for the first time in a week.
  22. But they felt ok dragging the other $5k worth of their gear?
  23. Was there really a rig that had an Apache (MSRP = $2995.00) fed by an Oppo (~$400) driving HP-2's (~$1000 + cable)? I love seeing a rig with good monetary balance.
  24. I watched the first two episodes yesterday, definitely a good start.
  25. Marc, I have a FPE order going in in the next couple weeks (actually to Cam Expert) and could add something to it if you want.
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