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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. No shame there for sure. In general Moth/EC is very much to my liking.
  2. FAN BOI!
  3. Breakout cable?
  4. No, our conversation from last week still stands. My "loaner" BHSE departs tomorrow for Virginia.
  5. No, the description is correct. It is my understanding that USB cannot transmit higher sampling rates or bit depths without using a specific receiver chip which is cost prohibitive. S/PDIF can natively output and transmit higher bit depths and sampling rates as dictated by whatever transport is being used and the Buffalo chip when properly implemented can accept up to 24/192. At least that's what I've read and been told by the guys at Twisted Pear.
  6. Nope, can't do it. The new DAC is not module based so the Hertsens will remain as is, which is to say excellent. I do hope to get a listen to the new DAC at some point though and do a little comparing.
  7. Yes, the standalone DAC is based around the Sabre chip. The modules in the various amp lines will remain unchanged for the time being though.
  8. Yes, I'll miss the left nut but it was the small one. I won't post anything till I actually get something done!
  9. There are rear outputs on the BUDA.
  10. Oh, I think you'll approve of the project I have underway. But thank you for the offer.
  11. Gotta risk something in order to get much of anything Jacob, as I'm sure you know. And yes, stat of choice moving forward is the O2 MKII - this pair is all mine. Now, I need to get working on an amp...
  12. Technically speaking I believe that this is Justin's amp, not Vicki's but there's not way I'm getting between Vicki/her handguns and Justin on this one. I lobbied Justin for months to get the amp up to the NYC meet knowing that it'd be a large, appropriate audience. Justin was going to try and make it himself but in the end the timing was just didn't work out so I guilted him into sending the amp. It was also meant to serve as a final shakedown of the custom packaging that Justin got specifically for this amp. Simply amazing. I managed to log a good 4hrs on it this morning while my wife and daughter were gone to visit some friends and I just kept going through CD after CD throwing everything and anything at it.
  13. Thanks Todd, everything seems to be working great!
  14. Nomination: Thread of The Year.
  15. All I know is that the MKII and BHSE sound fantastic together. And that's not from meet impressions, it's what I'm listening to right now.
  16. You need to get off your high horse before you earn yourself a vacation. I've heard the GS1K on top flight gear, alongside both the prototype GS1Ks and vintage brown-headband RS-1s. The production GS1K is by far the worst of the three, plain and simple, no amount of source/amp/fucking is going to make it something it's not unless you are using your source to aritifically color the sound to make up for the GS1K's faults. That, in my opinion, is an ass-backwards approach to building a rig. So kindly check your own ego before posting again, just because we don't agree with you doesn't mean we're wrong. You are free to enjoy whatever you want but if you try to force feed it to me one more time you won't like how that sounds either.
  17. Nikongod's Custom Creation - one of my favorite listens of the meet Setting up the BHSE - pictures fail to do this amp justice Someone brought this budget rig, it sounded ok... Nice crown. Nice looking Little Dot MKIV VPI's mighty balanced M3 - sounded every bit as good as I remembered. vcoheda's B52 and his KGSS, wish I'd been able to give this a listen. Ari's Melos stack, Grado fans rejoice! Team Source First - Northstar DAC w/ balanced mini3 and Millett Starving Student VPI's gorgeous (sounding and looking) RTR rig New Woo on the block - I spoke with Jack at length about this product and I think the production version should be a big hit. That's it for pics for me, detailed impressions of the few rigs that I listened to. I spent a lot of time catching up with old friends and making new ones. As always the NYC crew put on a heck of a show. And poor spritzer, if only he knew what I was up to in a few hours... :veryevil
  18. I spoke with Jack Woo about this amp at length at the NYC meet, there are major changes in the works for the production version. No middle knob, 4-pin jack in that space, it will use a single pot (on the left) and the large knob on the right will become the impedance switch (all good things in my book). Also, one quick note about the design, it's a push pull transformer coupled amp and so quite different from what I was thinking it might be. Sounded pretty good too.
  19. x2, i'm no shorty and he made me feel short.
  20. Logged about 500miles on the car driving back and forth to a very enjoyable NYC meet. Also lugged about 150lbs of gear with me to said meet, the first and last time I've brought two full sized rigs. Definitely worth it to hear the BHSE.
  21. We're using Justin's Sony SACD player, not sure which model it is but it seems to be a hit so far.
  22. We are up and running. BHSE sounds sweet with O2MKII's.
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