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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Jim, Please send me a PM and I'll make sure Jay gets the message. Last I knew he was working around 80-90hrs a week and not online very often. If he owes you something I'll do what I can to make it right. Nate
  2. Justin, I'll look tonight - I might have some.
  3. Dinny, What's the source going to be for this thing? I've probably got a set of IC's laying around that could fall into the box with the 770s.
  4. Shall we re-donate the DT770s to Papa Monkey's rig? They're used but they come from a good home.
  5. Why would they sound any different based on delivery date?
  6. Dan, Good to know, it seemed to be that the way it was being presented in this thread that it couldn't do NAS duty.
  7. As an alternate you can just click the box that says "Disable smileys in text". Then you can to your heart's content.
  8. Al, If it were me I'd got NAS and not the drobo route. I hate the idea of having to have a dedicated box turned on to listen to music somewhere else in the house. I also don't like the idea of having to have my storage tethered to a machine to access it. So as I see it you have 3 options: 1. drobo or similar USB/FW RAID system. 2. pre-built NAS/RAID system (the hardcore guys like tkam will poo-poo this) 3. custom built low power consumption computer built to act as a NAS/RAID box. Personally I went with option #2 and other than some signal strength issues that I'm working on with video the audio side works pretty well.
  9. Sweet, can't wait to try it out.
  10. No shock there, everything pretty much sucks when driven by that amp.
  11. I hate heat sinks with pins, good call to go with a mechanical fastener. Personally I use #4 screws (I'll fight metric to my irrational deathbed) but I'm sure the M3's work fine too.
  12. The previous Home/Home balanced amp/dac did get pretty warm, I don't think the Max balanced amp only will get too much hotter (if any) since it's not like the doubled the number of modules to get to the Max level and there's no DAC in there now.
  13. I'm so gonna kick you in the shins the next time I see you. Hell to the YES!
  14. I'm with you currently on the crying bit, O2 MKII's + no amp = sad panda.
  15. n_maher


    I find it hard to believe that Apple will price a netbook less than say, the Ipod Touch. I fully expect whatever Apple comes out with to be in the $600+ ballpark, if not higher.
  16. n_maher


    Damn indeed.
  17. Oh, my bad, I thought the auction was just for the amp. With the headphones, yes, that is a nice deal. My focus is a bit amp-centric these days. When are we finally going to see some details on the Supercharged Egmont?
  18. $250? That seems a bit steep for that to me. I've paid close to that for SRM MKII's which I would think are infinitely better, maybe I'm wrong?
  19. WANT! So I'll only blow it up 3 times?
  20. I thought it was fantastic.
  21. Packed up the BHSE.
  22. The tubes used were the SED Winged "C" tubes.
  23. YouTube links are not working like they used to for me, they just show up as URLs. example:
  24. Todd, I've had good luck with Lowe Pro bags and use a Off-Trail 2 when I need to take the whole rig or just a Topload Zoom 2 which can take the camera, 18-200 (attached) and the flash. Off Trail Topload
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