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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Twice as many resistors, much more complicated switch.
  2. I'd be curious to see how the channel matching actually measures, my guess is that it's better than 1dB.
  3. This is an example of a bad first post. Choose your second wisely.
  4. n_maher

    CanJam 2009

    Just waiting to hear back from my sister...
  5. n_maher

    CanJam 2009

    What time does the meet run for on Saturday? I'm just trying to figure out the transition from my sister's place to the Hilton, she's only a few miles away IIRC so it's just a matter of timing.
  6. Just IVY built in right? I found that choice odd given all of the positive stuff that Russ had been posting about the Counterpoint.
  7. n_maher

    CanJam 2009

    Potentially stupid question: what's the schedule of events for Saturday of CanJam? I looked and I can't find anything easily. My tentative plan, if I find enough change in the sofa, is to fly out Friday and hang around with my little sister and her fiance Friday night. Saturday I'll be at the meet all day/night and then I leave early Sunday morning. Certainly I'd love to stay longer but it's just not possible.
  8. Happy Birthday Mike!
  9. Time to clean up the yard...
  10. For that money I'd prefer the Koss 950s.
  11. Probably because she shoots very little "action"?
  12. You stay focused, you!
  13. Emilie Autumn - Opheliac
  14. Very nice work so far, looks like you have access to a good shop. I'll be looking forward to watching the progress.
  15. Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
  16. It's expensive? Cheapest option is $40/yr.
  17. I wish there was a little less immediate dismissal until we get some interior shots. Do I think it'll be god's gift to stats, no, but I don't feel comfortable with the proclamations that it's 100% fail either.
  18. Rachael Yamagata - Elephants...Teeth Sinking Into Heart
  19. I love the fact that whatever that is it says RTFM on it.
  20. That's 18ga UPOCC, twisted and covered with NMF. Makes a very nice speaker cable in my book but not exactly small.
  21. Pbase is a couple bucks less, but has a ceiling on uploaded content. I'm actually getting pretty close to the ceiling so they better either raise it soon or I'll probably have to move. *grumble*
  22. I just sense a little extra douchiness and knew there had to be a reason.
  23. You need another vacation Billy?
  24. Ignore DIY, in this price bracket (up to $5k) I wouldn't bother with DIY. The choices for a high quality preamp are numerous, but having heard few I'd recommend having a chat with the likes of tyrion, Voltron, and a whole host of others before assuming that the B52 is the best money can buy. Something like the BAT VK3i springs to mind as costing less and including remote control as an option.
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