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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. n_maher


    The Monkey is in Manhattan, maybe he'd pick them up for you?
  2. n_maher


    The Last Great Stereo Receiver... Outlaw Audio If I wasn't so audio poor right now I'd pick one up, $200 off is painful.
  3. Moonsorrow - Tulimyrsky EP
  4. It's hellaciously expensive Dinny and any way you slice it just a fancy switch.
  5. I'm with you, sure looks to me like the signal wires are soldered to the PCB.
  6. And FYI for anyone on the fence, today is the last day that Justin will honor the intro price.
  7. n_maher

    slow forum

  8. Not really, no, but after 4 months of off and on pad talk I've had my fill. Knowing how much of a fan of the MKII's you are I think it'd be in your interest to stay the course. Of course it's not my $$ so that's easy for me to say. I'd think that with the BHSE and Aristaeus you'd be as close to the best of all worlds it'd be truly frightening.
  9. AC1 is supposed to be the replacement I think. Of course it's still under development with no delivery time line that I'm aware of.
  10. Wow, you guys are really intent on turning this into a worthless thread eh? I give up, go about your business endlessly discussing leather/pleather whatever you want. But the first one of you that bitches about a worthless post on Head-Fi is going to get whacked with the banstick.
  11. The single-ended aspect of it could cause problems for you, couldn't it? I wish the fricken Darwin was in stock at Twisted Pear.
  12. Maybe we can even have something else put back together for you by then?
  13. n_maher

    CanJam 2009

    That would be outstanding.
  14. They put it on Friday night, one wonders what they expected?
  15. WHAT?
  16. Happy Birthday Zach!
  17. The joke was tired 100 pages ago.
  18. Guys, enough of the leather debate. Seriously.
  19. So far today I woke up expecting to go to work, got a call from the woman who takes care of Lily saying that she was sick. So now I'm in daddy daycare mode for the morning. There are worse things than hanging out with the little monster for the morning.
  20. Did massive amounts of brush relocation. I would say the pile of crap that we removed from the front yard is about 10' square and 6 to 7' tall. I'll snap a pic this week if it stops raining.
  21. n_maher

    CanJam 2009

    Flights have been booked.
  22. Dear mulveling, Welcome to your custom title.
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