Yup, I have some copper solder that looks the same way when the joint cools. I'm tempted to blame the switch but the fact is that there may be nothing really wrong. A call or email to Goldpoint might be worthwhile.
Outlaw's Latest Deal
Always a great value at its regular price of $350, we're letting the floodgates of audio power open between now and April 30th by offering the Model 2200 for just $270 each. To make the deal even sweeter, we're even throwing in free ground shipping.*
I'm sorry, I can't imagine EQ'ing the O2MKII after hearing it out of the BHSE fed by a good source. Is it 100% tonally accurate, hell if I know, but it sounded f'ing fantastic to my muddy ears.
It's also critical to ask the question as to why these resistors failed unless you fancy hooking the power supply up again for rinse/repeat/poof.
I kid really, since my flight plan includes a nap, movie on the Ipod and perhaps another nap. Glad to hear you're going to make it.
Stretch, what flights are you on? I'm headed out of Boston on American flight 25 on the way out (leaves Boston at 8:20AM). Perhaps a high-altitude mini meet is in order?
The entire duration of my stay in Cali will be ~40hrs (arrive Friday noon, depart Sunday 6am) so my thought is just dew eet. Travel to and from the airport is, as noted by stretch, a non-issue.
CanJam is certainly shaping up to be a tour de force of high-end stat amps. From the commercial to DIY scene it seems like a good time to love high-voltage.
Aw frick dude, that sucks. Call Senn and see if they'll sell you the drivers (or driver), the 600 drivers are available online and only $60 each. If they'll sell you the driver or a new matched pair I'll install them for you.
Yeah, 160ma is pretty huge overkill even by beta22 standards. I wonder what sort of overshoot it might have when loaded at half the rated capacity (or less)?
The Ultra, standalone DAC is based on the Sabre chip, the MAX DAC will remain the top of the line "module" offered in the amps. What is new on the Ultra DAC (in addition to the chip) is the front panel mounted switches which IIRC are at least relay based if not micro-controller based. I really should start bugging Tyll again about whether or not he's going to let me compare the new DAC to his namesake.