Atlanta Computer Audio Event, Sun June 28, need help! - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
Tyll is a busy guy so I figured I'd post this for him here. Maybe a few of you from the dirty South can attend?
My guess is that orders have already started to taper off and will be anemic by the end of this week. I'd expect that once impressions and pictures from CanJam start coming out there will be a second surge that's smaller than the first. I'd also guess that they won't be for sale much longer than the month of June as demand will have been filled by then and that the run will end up about the same size as the HF-1.
Mark has a scary, scary DIY cave. Not scary in the sense of what you can't find, scary in the sense of what you might find when you go looking...
"Oh hey, look at that, 40 OPA627s."
DOLLHOUSE's Sitcom Lead-In!! FRINGE To Battle OFFICE, CSI, GREY?S!! FERESTEN Joins MADTV On Scrap Heap!! Fox Schedule!! -- Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.
Still on Fridays = boooooo.
Something seems pretty odd about that. The outer knob appears to only engage the silver portion of the shaft leaving the brass colored portion to be controlled by the rear knob. Since they're both the same splined design it seems to me the only reason for the set screw would be to keep the knob from being pulled off, not to allow it to turn the shaft.
Rewire could be pretty rough. If, say, the cups happen to be aluminum those are a bitch to get off and I really don't feel like burning my hands. You really need work gloves to work on the aluminum grados. Wood, plastic, maybe, but all the same I'm not hauling a cable out there for that.
Now that it's out in the open Todd told me this and I told him I fully supported it. Any one involved in planning an event of this magnitude deserves some special treatment. And Al, sure I can do some quick snip/snip solder work if someone has an iron and a multi-meter. I'd be happy to do it for Todd to if he wants to have a balanced pair to use with amps. I can bring supplies if someone lets me know how many of what kind they want to do so they don't look like hack jobs.