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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. IIRC the pearl setup that was being used then was seriously low output, like ~.5V or something along those lines.
  2. I can't recall exactly, but will try and look some time soon to be sure but I think Steve's beta is configured as 2/4, which still seems like it should be enough with a 2V source and any headphone but I guess it could be close on some single-ended cans. Personally I feel no shame using the upper half/third of the pot but that does tend to bother some poeple.
  3. For balanced operation I can't imagine a single-ended gain of more than 4 (making the balanced effectively unless you're operating with a extremely low output source (less than 1V) or you have the world's most inefficient headphones.
  4. Yesterday I decided that 10 coats of semi-gloss lacquer was not sufficient and added one more so that now it goes to 11. Then built a bunch of adapters to bring to CanJam for team 4-pin.
  5. Where the f am I going to get coffee at 2am?
  6. Now that sounds interesting!
  7. Oooh, now we'll really have to get cracking on plans for a mini-meet.
  8. That's funny, I got a Markertek order in today for another one of your retermination projects.
  9. I can't wait to hear this amp again this weekend.
  10. Hmmm, the last time Vista updated my laptop it nuked it... still, here's to hoping they're moving in the right direction. I wonder how long they'll offer Vista after 7 starts shipping?
  11. Better than the 2-day bill would have been.
  12. There seems to be a contradiction somewhere in that statement, oh wait, it's a Pre Order.
  13. Yeah, you might not even get a chance to order a 32 (although I think they're currently in stock) before there's a replacement in the works.
  14. One would think, yes, but I can't say that I've bothered to try and I've never seen anyone else post the graphs. I should send a couple cables to amb and have him run them on his measurement rig. The thing that always struck me funny about this advice is that every damn aftermarket headphone cable you see is braided, every mini-mini is braided, just about every mini-RCA is braided but WHOA WHOA WHOA hold the phone when you do straight RCA-RCA, don't braid those or you'll ruin the listening experience. Oh, and that's not to mention that I've always been told to twist signal wires inside a chassis to help fight noise. Granted, those are for short runs so whatever impact the increased crosstalk might have is probably limited. And lets not forget, I think the bottleneck regarding crosstalk on most amps is likely whatever attenuator/potentiometer you use.
  15. Typically (and I don't know the Zana topology specifically) the only thing that could be done easily would be to run each output through different sized coupling caps. The high-ohm output requires a smaller cap to achieve uniform frequency response so typically builders/designers use high-quality film caps here, for the low-ohm output the cap size can need to be 10x as large (uF wise) and therefore it's simply not practical or affordable to use a film cap so what is often done is to use a film/electrolytic couple in parallel. Could be that the low-ohm switch just adds the electrolytic in parallel with the cap used on the high-ohm output. Hard telling not knowing. In a more complex world it might be possible to alter a portion of the circuit to allow the tubes to more efficiently drive the low-impedance load but doing so via a switch wouldn't sit well with me.
  16. n_maher


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  17. Most often I use two sets of twisted pairs so that the L and R channels don't cross. Some have said that braided cables will increase crosstalk although I've never seen any measurements to back it up.
  18. n_maher makes note to run if Reks breaks out the Chianti.
  19. In my book the table being sold "as-is" in no way excuses the crappy shipping. I'd insist on a refund and file the appropriate paperwork with paypal if you get the slightest hint that he's dicking you around.
  20. Right, thanks for reminding me!
  21. Immediately, yes you're probably right. I'm quite curious to see what the connectors end up being and if they're available to DIY and smaller MOTs.
  22. Ouch, that's a $$$ stock cable.
  23. My prediction is that you'll waste a lot of quality listening time waiting for a 32 and given my own Buffalo experience thrice's DAC will sound outstanding. And I also think you'll have a hard time finding a well built example with the options that you're looking for in the ~$1200 ballpark. I wouldn't do it.
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