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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I agree, it's blatant dishonesty. Slow is the last thing that comes to mind with the HD800s. And the cure-all cable nonsense is well, just nonsense. I mean I've been known to recable a headphone or 3 but come on, none of them have ever transformed a headphone for me. Subtle tweak, yes, earth-shattering change GTFO.
  2. It's official, he's gone off the deep end of audio insanity. Anyone in the market for a free embolism should read #8 on his list...
  3. Correct, all solid state, no tubes, digital volume control with variable LED to indicate volume level.
  4. Welcome to head-case Matt.
  5. The Millett portable, ya lucky bastard!
  6. Wish I'd gotten to take a listen too, but the only cans I had with me at the time were the O2s.
  7. Nope, I don't spend much time worrying about the audio stuff either. The largest difference of course being that I can't build my own TV. But most would dismiss a lot of the gear in my sig from a technical standpoint. Oh nos, my DAC uses opamps and my transport uses some cheap drawer thingy! My amp has a highish output impedance, NOT THAT!!?!?! And my primary dynamic headphones cost $200. I'm clearly missing out on just about everything when you look at it like that. The stat rig, well, the amount of wheeling and dealing it took to put that list together is not insignificant. And it's not exactly set in stone yet. That's fine, but not everyone is to the same degree. You make it sound like the Vizio is throwing money away, I'm not sure it's quite to that level of inadequate.
  8. I sent them an email about it this morning.
  9. Eh, some of us just watch our TV's and don't analyze the hell out of them. My in-laws have a Vizio, it's fine and has never had a picture so bad that it caused me to notice. Not every purchase needs to be taken to the nth degree of scrutinization or have its budget expanded to get something better. And maybe it's just me but I have neither the time nor inclination to read an 88 page thread about a TV.
  10. Like I said, it deserves more consideration. I've already got a set of cups to go on them so it wouldn't take much to give them a spin as a set of woodys. But I'll probably wait until they've got 100hrs on them or more to see how they sit with me and Mr. Menace.
  11. Is this or any similar project ever going to get published? Headwize is still roached and Chu hasn't updated the news page in over a month so it's hard to think that good things are happening there. It'd be a shame if this project just went away.
  12. Jenny Owen Youngs - Transmitter Failure Quite possibly my favorite album cover of the year.
  13. They play quite well together and this arrangement deserves more time before I decide whether or not to desecrate the HF-2, woody style.
  14. I'd say there's a chance some HF-2s might end up with wood.
  15. Well done Jay. Me: worked(ish), opened the HF-2s and introduced them to the Menace.
  16. Frack I wish I had more time on my hands. Stupid blackgated Millett is just dying a slow death in my parts drawer with no case.
  17. I just did the one pair for Todd and Dan's HF-2s. That took long enough and I wanted to have some fun! The HD800 cable is interesting. I've got a remnant to make Todd a 4-pin to 1/4" adapter so I'll post a picture or two when I get to working on it.
  18. While I sympathize with your condition it's pretty irritating to the rest of us.
  19. Not anymore.
  20. It's not Headroom you should be yelling at.
  21. Wore yourself out carrying all your new toys, eh? Did Mike manage to win anything on the second day?
  22. Young, You might try something like a "powervar" power isolation unit and see if that helps. Plenty of used options on Ebay and the DAC shouldn't need much in the way of power.
  23. Yeah, wtf is up with that dude? I fly 3000 miles and you avoid me like the plague. Semi-brief impressions since I'm running on 3-1/2 hours of sleep. Upon arrival Friday I had a little time to run by the hotel and grabbed one of Tyll's HD800s and promptly sat down for a little 20min+ listening sessions with the Balanced HD800s. Whoever is saying these cans lack low end is listening to them on something other than good gear. Honestly, they didn't lack anything for me and sound outstanding. I'd love to own them but can't see affording them any time soon. Friday I spent with my little sister and her fiance in downtown LA. Got so good south American food, a few excellent mojitos. Then watched some movie being filmed in the street, it was a chase scene with an Audi R8 after a cab with some dude climbing up the hood of the cab. Pretty funny to watch multiple takes of it and so very LA. Got up Saturday, ate breakfast, headed to the hotel. Grabbed Dan's HF2s and a pair of Todd's HD800s and set about reterminating cables with what was quite possibly the worst toolset imaginable. There is nothing quite like stripping wires on a $150 stock cable with scissors. An hour and a half later (after helping thrice with some work he was doing and he helping me) I finally got to get down to the business of listening to a few things. Notable setups - I spent about a half hour each with the Woo Stat amp and O2MKII's and the WA6SE and HD800s. Flip a coin folks, either one of these rigs could satisfy someone for a long, long time. While certainly different in their presentations (I didn't take notes, don't ask me to recall particulars) they were both what I would classify as "reference" class listening experiences. Next up was the Blue Note talk, too f'ing cool is how I'd describe that. If you ever have the opportunity to here either of these guys speak, do it. After that I tracked down Frank Cooter and got a chance to talk shop with him and also listen to his new Stat amp with Vicki's O2 MKI's. Sweet mama, well done Frank. Another top shelf listen, wish I had this guys design and wood working skills. Finally I got a chance to check on the Pico Slim with my ER4Ps. This thing rocks and the volume adjustment range is staggering. I can't wait to see the finished product and have no doubt that this is going to be a very popular item. I'm also excited to see how the tech gets potentially integrated into other products, that's all I'm saying. Then it was time for pizza and beer, toss in a cigar, then some burbon, then some late night listening to Al's SDS XLR with the balanced HD800s. Unfortunately it was all over too soon and at 1am LA time (4am to my body) I simply had to crash. I was back up at 5 and headed to the airport and on the ground in Boston at 4pm EST. Heck of a way to spend a weekend and certainly glad that I did it. As is almost always the case I spent way more time catching up with folks and casually checking out rigs than I did critically listening. One final thing, my hat is off to the LA crew. They did an outstanding job with this meet from soup to nuts.
  24. Have fun Dinny, PM me your cell # so I can harass you later.
  25. I have my O2MKII's (which I think Dinny is familiar with ) and I'll try to do something in the way of a BHSE/O2MKII and XXX/HD800. I'd love to do it on Todd's 307A setup and may get the chance since I'm probably going to balance a pair of HD800s for Todd tomorrow morning.
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