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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Yeah, sorry, the $75 a month phone plan is enough for this casual user (assuming I go ahead with operation "totally piss off the wife"). No need to tag on another $99/yr.
  2. The host city will have to have a large local contingent to pull off a third day (IMO at least). For those of us that do LD travel for these meets it's a constant battle between time off and time at the meet and I for one know that selling my wife on the idea of being gone for 4 to 5 days at a headphone meet is NEVER going to fly unless the meet was in Boston. And FWIW I don't happen to think that Boston could pull it off without a major overhaul of the local community. Shit, we haven't pulled off a local meet in almost two years.
  3. Sympatico Amplifier Those are supposed to be back in stock soon. And I wouldn't go anywhere near tubes if I were you.
  4. About $100 worth of machining for a certain primate's amp project. Soon: about $50 worth of machining and material for a little HD-300 resurrection project.
  5. As a matter of fact I do. I'm stuck using a tape adapter in my car for now. That's not as bad as it sounds since most of what I listen to is audio books which generally sound like 96kbps mp3s anyway.
  6. International shipping seems to have gotten worse lately. :S
  7. Oh snap.
  8. Gotta find a 3G Iphone on the reasonably cheap first. And speaking of cheap, any news on the plan-pricing front? I've heard rumors (some from folks who work closely w/ AT&T) that plan prices might be dropping this summer and I'm hopeful this may come to fruition in an attempt to get as many folks signed up w/ 2yr contracts before Verizon or others get the Iphone.
  9. I've got a long way to go convincing the wife that another $40 a month in cell phone charges is "worthwhile". If I ever get there I'll be selling my 16GB Touch cheaper than cheap.
  10. Deepak, the figure "20hrs" sticks in my head for some reason. Of course it'll largely be dictated on opamp choice and battery capacity. Actually I just looked and Hagerman quotes it at 16hrs.
  11. n_maher


    Don't think I've seen this Woot posted yet. Goddamn this is tempting. Woot : One Day, One Deal (SM)
  12. I think that bozebuttons has one of the cases Justin, you might try sending him a message.
  13. She just needs her own account. And thanks for the compliment.
  14. I've received lots of good luck lately so I'm just hoping someone around here ends up with it and staying out of this.
  15. A year to the day in fact, Peter. Pretty unbelievable.
  16. Held Lily's first birthday party. I'm pretty sure I'm in completely denial that it's already been a year...
  17. I so need one of those for my backyard...
  18. Don't know about the recable part. I'd say if I can do it in a hotel room with little more than a pair of scissors and a soldering iron it's not that much of a PITA.
  19. Oh hell to the no! I'd say it takes 8 to 10hrs to turn and finish a set of cups like these. No one wants to pay for that much labor and it'd ruin the fun.
  20. Hmmmm, good question. In all seriousness most of the regular folks around here just have to ask and if I have the time I don't mind helping folks out. I am mostly retired from building stuff and certainly when it comes to amps I'm 99% done.
  21. Thanks for all the kind words folks, it was a lot of fun getting back to the lathe after a long absence. Of course the coolest development to come out of all of this was a greatly refined process of how to make the cups. Most of this refinement was a result of buying a Nova chuck and soft jaws which eliminates the need to dill the cups on my press. The drill press was always the weak link in the process and the most frustrating. In fact, between Ian and myself we've got more than just a couple of sets of cups that we'd previous abandoned because we didn't feel like drilling them or the walls were too thin to drill. Given some time I hope to have a go at a few of those and see if they're salvageable and we'll see what happens to them after that. Larry's not going to be pleased... I've got a small collection of the plastic cups in a drawer. The only metal-cupped ones I've modded have been my own and I've sold the cups afterwards to recoup costs.
  22. 30 min. each way, 45 if I'm on the bike and take back roads.
  23. Dan's got the right idea with not mowing all of it. Even I abandoned a part of my 2.5 acres of green shit in order to keep me sane.
  24. Bah, he doesn't need a stinking plastic JD.
  25. It's going to be a challenge to get the little Neutriks to work, I'd guess the wires are all 24ga. I'll try to grab the calipers later tonight and post what the o.d. of the cable is but it's fat.
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