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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Ok, did some more reading, sounds like activation is an in store only option unless I want to jump through some annoying sounding hoops. Pisser.
  2. Any advantage to doing that? Either way I figure I have to establish an account with AT&T (not going to try another carrier at this point) and all I really want to do is avoid the 2yr contract nonsense. And of course it would be nice if I didn't have to try and go to the semi-local AT&T store (10 miles away) to do so this weekend.
  3. It just says no service, waiting for activation on it. From what I've read it sounds like I should plug it into the computer and see if Itunes will allow me to activate it or something like that.
  4. Anyone know of any way to activate an Iphone without a trip to the AT&T store? I've got the phone and it has a SIM card so I don't think that I need anything else, do I?
  5. I think that's simply because not many people got to try them on the beta. Most of the HD800s were in Headroom's room, no beta there, another two pairs were in Todd's room, again no beta, and those that had their personal pairs already were probably more inclined to try them on the various commercial offerings.
  6. This is not what I want to hear.
  7. I was more like...
  8. I would advise against this course of action, don't poke the bear for a while.
  9. Don't make me send you my HF-2s.
  10. Feelings = not hurt either way. YGPM
  11. Get thee to a post office!
  12. A bit older, but better info in my book. My quest for perfect cell phone reception. - By Sam Schechner - Slate Magazine I'm trying to dig into the JDTECK site to see what they might offer that would work in my area. The amount of info is a bit staggering.
  13. It's what I've always been told and that the whole "you won't be able to call 911" thing is a semi-scare tactic. What is true is that if you use a VOIP service your 911 service will be less direct than if you have a true land line. Basically, for me, if I have to dial 911 out in the country I'm pretty f'ed as it is.
  14. 911 always works Mike, even if you don't have phone service. It's the law, at least in NH. I've found a couple options already, I'll let you know if I pull the trigger on any of them. I'm trying to find one that'll do both Verizon and AT&T which so far is a no-go.
  15. Agreed, I demo'd the original Sunfire back when I had a more focused home theater and was pretty impressed at what it could do within the bounds of it's stated purpose. At the time it ultimately proved to be a non-option in a 200 year old house with another person whose bedroom was below my living room. I'd revisit it now but I can't remember the last time I got to sit down and watch a movie in my living room at any sort of movie listening volume.
  16. Speaking of this, does anyone here have any experience with cellphone repeaters? If I thought I could reliably get reception inside my house I'd cancel my land line in a heartbeat.
  17. It's pretty easy to short the PPAv2 while trying to test and adjust the bias which results in the near total failure of that channel. Not fun, trust me.
  18. Metric - Fantasies cued up... The Sounds - Crossing the Rubicon
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. I also like the fact that he's continuously dashing the horse in the nuts. Double pain.
  21. A week? Apple sent me an email this morning that seemed to indicate I could have it delivered to my door Friday if I wanted it.
  22. n_maher

    Battlestar Galactica

    I thoroughly enjoyed it and will certainly be watching the show if/when it starts. They didn't hit a homerun with it but given my expectations I'm not sure they could have.
  23. It all depends on what you believe is required for calibration. I've become more and more convinced that most tube testers should be thoroughly gone through if you're going to bother. That means checking every resistor and capacitor (which may requiring some desoldering). This is what the guy who redid my 700 did, it's time consuming and a working knowledge of the device in addition to the tools and equipment portion. My tech's reasoning, which I agree with, is that otherwise you're simply calibrating the tester at a point in time and if you have components that are drifting the calibration that you just performed is essentially worthless. The 747 by virtue of it's SS design my be more immune to this than others but it's at least worth considering and deciding whether or not you (the buyer) feels comfortable with the end result.
  24. Forrest. He and my little sister are getting married this Christmas.
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