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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I put it on and Lily started to dance.
  2. All I'm really sure of is that the 2ohm and 20ohm resistors form a voltage divider on the output that will give you about 1/10th the output V. As far as the load the amp sees I would think that the 20ohm and 32ohm (nominal impedance of the Grados) would be in series for an effective resistance of 52ohm and that this resistance is also in parallel with the 2ohm resistor. Not sure what this accomplishes but I do believe that the amplifier will effectively see a 2ohm load (actually a little less) which hardly seems like a good thing to me. A more informed opinion is definitely needed.
  3. I love me some J5. Lily is a huge Kanye fan, if she's upset in the car all I have to do is put that on and she chills out.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Quick question: have you ever built anything before? I'm not sure I'd recommend the M3 you're proposing as a first (or even second) project.
  6. I agree completely, I'm hopeful that fixing the power supply is all that will be required.
  7. Kevin, I think that the 278X is a single primary, not a universal.
  8. Hmmmm, 6 tubes on the amp section... we could run [2] 6SN7 input tubes and use a quad of 6AS7/6080/5998s on the outputs and turn this f'er into the uber balanced Menace. Lord save us for the PS that it would need but you just might have room in that hulking chassis for it...
  9. I know some of the build team have the resources and knowledge to do it, I was just pointing it out to those that might not. Carry on.
  10. Part of what makes gives the Extreme the potential to sound good is running the 6080/6AS7 in parallel on the output, OTL's with a single tube are not going to perform well into low ohm loads in my experience. And of course none of them run the output tubes as hard as I do in the Menace.
  11. Aren't you going to need a 4-wire meter to match the 2ohm resistors?
  12. I'd be shocked if there was a distinct audible difference between the two supplies. Both are exceptionally low ripple and well designed.
  13. Regina Spektor - Far Upon careful listening I think I'm hearing just a touch of distortion in the L channel on some songs but I'm doing my best to just ignore it. Sounds pretty damn good on Mr. Menace, that's for sure.
  14. There's little doubt that I have "special needs" but thankfully not in the computer department.
  15. I don't think it was a very wise to choice to use the chassis, and only the bottom panel at that, as the heat sink for the power supply.
  16. n_maher

    slow forum

    Regina Spektor Hears Magic In The Inexplicable : NPR Music This will take you to NPR's Morning Edition interview with Regina Spektor from this morning, just click "Listen Now".
  17. Donald, when it comes to gain switches I think Young (socrates63) is referring to amplifiers that either through the use of series resistance on the output or resistors within the circuit manipulate the perceived gain of the amplifier. With the first example there are obvious downsides and pitfalls but lots of solid state designs are able to change the gain stage on the fly without adversely affecting performance. In my experience this is pretty difficult to do with tube amps short of adding a simple voltage divider (or similar) to the input section. For commercial examples have a look at Headamp and Headroom, both of whom offer gain switches for most of their products.
  18. Pretty sure (99%) that the Zobel is on the e22 backplane board on Torpedo's amp.
  19. Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio - View Profile: les_garten Maybe?
  20. I beg to differ, double blind testing of this at a recent meet does not support your statement.
  21. I most certainly did not build Smeggy's amp. My opinion of the driving the Stax box with a beta22, do so at your own risk. My understanding is that it requires the amp to be run quite hard and as Mark said may include a significant inductive load which even with a Zobel may cause the amp to misbehave. And when it does, well, look out.
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. Lord knows why, but it's been done.
  24. Highly unlikely. Me = some random parts from Parts Express. Hopefully later today = 3 custom wound Electraprint Trafos
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