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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Given that Headroom's measurements match up pretty well with other man'f impedance claims it seems reasonable to think that they are measuring "actual impedance". I'll shoot Tyll a message pointing him to this thread to see if he can clear the (free) air.
  2. Maybe, I can see anything leading from the live wire to the front panel, maybe there's protection built in that isn't obvious? I certainly hope so.
  3. I think it should just be an animation that activates when you move the ipod/phone and shows a shovel swinging at the back of someone's head and makes the appropriate clank on impact.
  4. GTFO Happy birthday!
  5. No fuse = Not even Mikhail was that dumb.
  6. I'd be curious to see how other headphones of known impedances measured on Stereophile's rig.
  7. I'm pretty sure the 360 will also play *.mov or *.wmv files which can be pretty handy. It's not as good or as capable as the PS3 in this regard but I got my brother in law's to do it.
  8. I just think that it's nice of them to keep charging for OS upgrades and to keep raising the price as they do. I've bitched before and I'll keep doing it, I feel like a second class Ipod citizen.
  9. Awesome - Apple just told me that if I want to get the most out of my Ipod Touch I should shell out $9.95 for OS 3.0.
  10. Did I miss something? What happened to your TV?
  11. Wait, wait, wait, they expect the end user to replace the back panel? Have fun unsodlering the 20 or so connections it'll take to do that and don't forget to mark the monochromatic wires so you stand a chance at getting it back working properly. All of the XLRs mount to the outside of the chassis and will have to be removed to replace the panel, the other connectors I can't tell. It could be even worse. Huge. F'ing. Fail.
  12. Seemed like the logical progression of *eh.
  13. Their US HQ is about 10 minutes from my house.
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. Unlikely.
  16. Is that the filament trafo I see in the center of the case? If so that's a bad location for it, right next to the output of one of the beta channels. Of course in that chassis there's no good location for it so eff it. And Gary, if I were you I'd get busy with the drill and start perforating much of the open space in that bottom panel, you're not going to get much airflow the way it is now.
  17. I'm curious what "easy to drive" means? I keep looking at Headroom's Impedance vs. Frequency graph and seeing that 600+ ohm peak at ~100Hz.
  18. I would recommend doing the real math before firing up both amps at the same time. I have no idea how much current the EHHA draws but it makes me uncomfortable to think about the tube heaters and what they must be drawing (if 6GM8s that's .33A each).
  19. There are a couple of bottom lines here: 1. If you don't know and don't know how to check how your speaker amp's outputs are configured you shouldn't be messing with it. The Grado adapter picture clearly shows 4 conductors so that it doesn't have to worry whether or not the output of the amp has a common ground connection. 2. It's pretty likely that the Grado adapter had its resistor values chosen for a Grado headphones (all of which are 32ohm). Assuming that it'd be either appropriate or useful with headphones of varying impedances is a "at your own risk/peril" type of deal. It may work great, it may load your amp in such a way as to cause it to go into thermonuclear meltdown. Me, I'm content to have a separate speaker and headphone amplifier.
  20. Just tell Jack you want an OTL version of the WA22 with a single ended output.
  21. I would agree with this, it's my solder of choice purely for workability reasons.
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. I find it hard to believe that you're an EE asking that question.
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