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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Now the real question is will I ever get it back! Enjoy it Stretch, I can't wait to hear it with the 800s.
  2. Welcome to Head-Case Todd.
  3. Not all tasks should be delegated.
  4. What, you didn't get yours?
  5. I think that's a touch alarmist. Nothing is going to kill the idea of CanJam, 99% of the attendees could care less what it's called. The first national meet didn't even have a name and was a complete success. Headfest was fine too.
  6. Here's the issue: both in terms of size and attendance this could dwarf "CanJam". Is it a headphone specific event, no, but I think there are ways around weakening the branding of the name.
  7. Why does this dilute the brand?
  8. Not sure I want to trade a famine for a plague but we got ~7" of rain last month and it's raining like a bastard right now. In fact I just looked and there are flash flood warnings. Joy.
  9. + Welcome to Head-case, watch your step.
  10. Not much bask story to share, I was asked if I would do it, I said yes. I think the story is similar for the others.
  11. I don't Dusty noticed the rash of custom titles breaking out at Head-Fi...
  12. I can't even officially tell you who to thank - it wasn't entirely my doing is all I will say.
  13. I would have to agree that finding someone willing to work on any of these amps is going to be a difficult road. It's not just the complexity of the repairs (even on the "simpler" models) it's the liability associated with doing so that may have even good-hearted folks heading for the hills.
  14. I don't have any idea what you're talking about.
  15. Zoe
  16. Got link?
  17. But it also means they can puncture solder mask in the blink of an eye.
  18. Happy Birthday Greg!
  19. I think amb attempted to explain what's going on in the head-fi beta thread.
  20. I like cats, unfortunately I am allergic to cats. My wife is also allergic to cats. This is mooch, the only cat I ever had. He came with the house when we bought it and was exclusively an outdoor cat. But he'd stop by every night at 6:00 and meow outside the door till I came out and sat with him for a bit. Unfortunately the environment around the house is not exactly cat friendly and mooch is no longer with us.
  21. In some of the discussions that amb and I have had regarding the failures that have been observed at times it has been suggested that it might not be a bad idea to have a Zobel on the output regardless of the intended use.
  22. I have those as well but I prefer to use these whenever possible. Those long fluke probes are hellaciously sharp
  23. n_maher

    slow forum

  24. n_maher

    slow forum

    Goddamn. Entire New 13-Story Building Tips Over in Shanghai
  25. With all due respect to Kingwa I disagree that having to replace the entire transformer in the event of a fuse failure is the "best way". Especially when that replacement trafo is half way around the world.
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