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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. No. There were 25 pairs at CanJam (1-25) and Todd has #00. Those are the 26 pairs that read "FI" as far as I know. No one who ordered and had their pair shipped is getting anything other than F1.
  2. Amiina - Seoul
  3. What, you didn't see the FS add on Head-F1? And crap, the domain head-f1.org is already taken.
  4. I believe the second part is true, they have the enclosures but there's no way they have them all done yet. So they are indeed deciding that the lesser of two evils is shove one of the misspelled cups up each buyers ass and see whether or not they'll take it. Airfare to CanJam: $300 Picking up arguably the best bang/buck Grado while there: $429 Having one of 26 pairs that actually are done the way they were supposed to be done and not one of the 475 other F1 pairs: priceless This really makes me want to woody them and take a picture of my blurry, FI cups sitting in a drawer.
  5. Sounds to me like you belong here just fine. Also, I think that with just a little practice you could learn the basics of reading a schematic. If I can, any one can.
  6. Can't wait to see pics of the ZDT, congrats!
  7. Les, Which type/size did you order? Seems that guy has a bunch of different kinds of sleeving some of which is just regular old techflex.
  8. Suck it up soldier.
  9. Thanks, I found a sample that I'll give a spin shortly.
  10. Impressions?
  11. The Sounds - Crossing the Rubicon
  12. Why do I get the feeling that you're not telling us something...
  13. Just for that I'm going to sticky this for a week. Happy Birthday Mike!
  14. Oh it's way too late for that, the trafos should arrive before the end of the week. It's whether or not I make another purchase before then... MOAR PARTS!!!
  15. I decided it was about time that I tried the SimpleSE as a headphone amp. Other than a slightly hissy tube in the L channel the noise floor was pretty freakin low and it sounded sweet driving the HF-1s. I smell trouble...
  16. Just for you Dinny I did a second coat this morning. I'm not 100% psyched with how it came out, but given that it's veneer plywood I have no intentions of trying to remove it and have a second go. With that in mind I applied a coat of tung-oil based finish this afternoon.
  17. Wuhoo! Glad you got your amp back Dan.
  18. Yes, Steve's beta is getting a 2-board transplant since it popped a second board shortly after Marc fixed the one that went big bada boom. I'm becoming more and more convinced that if one goes bad it's more than likely that something on the other channel is going to eventually go as well. Kind of a pisser since often there isn't anything diagnosabley wrong with any of the other channels.
  19. You're going to drive yourself crazy looking into all these DACs Dinny.
  20. Happy Birthday Birgir!
  21. Sorry to hear that Gary, that sucks.
  22. Built a gate for our deck to keep Lily safe when she's out there. Then decided that might meet rack (the flexy I built for last year's NYC meet) could use a little beautification for an upcoming little event. So I sanded down the panels and applied a first coat of stain. We'll see if it looks like it needs more stain and then I'll need to decide how to seal it.
  23. Have no fear, it's primed and ready.
  24. Happy Birthday Marshall!
  25. Weird that they used solder mask on one and not on the other.
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