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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. How to Build a Humidor for Cheap: (the Tupperdor) - How To Do Stuff I'd start there before sinking a ton of $$ into this.
  2. Heard back from the man'f, GB thread started in the appropriate forum.
  3. Simple really (at least in my head), if you run DC through a rectifier (and how would you bypass that in most components, I don't know) you'd likely drop a bunch of volts needlessly and end up with less VDC than you need.
  4. I shot them a message asking about discounts if we do a group buy since I'm guessing we could find a way to buy 10 of these in a heartbeat.
  5. And is anyone going to take a flyer on one of those attenuators? I'm tempted, but it won't fit in any of the projects I have going right now.
  6. Will this do?
  7. Not today but had a great weekend. Took Friday off, spent the day at home with the wife and Lily and Grandma came down to make homemade strawberry freezer jam. We had leftover strawberries so I made some strawberry syrup (this stuff rocks on pancakes and waffles). Relaxed with Lily in her pool during the afternoon. Saturday we dropped Lily off at her other grandparents' house so that we could celebrate our wedding anniversary. Started the evening off with drinks and appetizers at a little tapas restaurant in Portsmouth that we had a gift certificate to and discovered that they make a mean mojito. Then made our way over to our favorite fish place (Jumpin' Jays Fish Cafe) and had a great meal coupled with my first Hendricks and tonic, yum. Finished the night off with a walk through downtown Portsmouth to see a friend that works at another eating establishment. Made it home just before it started to rain which cooled things down nicely. Sunday I woke up before my wife and made breakfast (waffles, sausage, coffee) and we had a relaxing morning sitting around doing nothing. Topped it all off with a trip into Boston for this... Got to see an outstanding game on one of the summer's few beautiful days. It'll probably be a long time before I get to have another weekend like that.
  8. If I can ever get my shit together enough to try customs again I might give one his lower offerings a shot.
  9. Oh NOS I'm falling behind!
  10. I don't have a suitable amp for them (yet) so I'm not going to post flawed impressions based on a sub-par setting. I've heard them on good rigs, they are very good, but meet impressions are just that.
  11. We'd need to know into what load it has that damping factor in order to be able to tell anything really. At least as far as may limited understanding can tell.
  12. You'll pay for this.
  13. I'm getting more and more curious to hear the 800 with the Menace and see if we can't tube roll it a bit more to your liking.
  14. Yup, it cleaned up pretty well but if I had to do over again I'd use a different stain. One of these days I'll have a go at doing veneer myself.
  15. That's cause there are only 15 of them and they haven't been made for years.
  16. Proprietary threaded rod, doncha know.
  17. Stretch, been there, it sucks. Hope the cars were inside and it might be in your best interest to have your roof looked at. Hail is hell on shingles.
  18. Sorry, I was in the car for 3-1/2hrs this morning and my funny is fried. Although the HF-1 keyboard cat edition is doing a lot to get the funny back going. And in short order I'll have access to a pair of F1's so I'll try to take a side by side picture of the two cups for comparison.
  19. I'm sorry, I don't understand. The cable is the same on both versions.
  20. Roger that.
  21. Bah, I like mine better.
  22. Thanks Dinny (and others). The cables are the usual drab stuff, nothing really fun in there. But as the stain and tung oil seasons and fully dries I am liking the rack more and more. It's a pity that I only use it for meets. Still for ~$50 and a couple hours of labor it's worth it to have around and I'd highly recommend it. I thought you might get a kick out of that and as you'll notice the RCAs are finally installed. Wiring is underway.
  23. This is kind of a combo post, basically a few cables I'm working on featured on the rack I finished staining this weekend and there's a little something hiding on the middle shelf as well.
  24. Maybe try something like this? 100% Cotton Drawstring Muslin Bags - 13 cents - Made in USA - Wholesale Prices
  25. cue Dusty w/ MOAR BLACK...
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