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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. The Mac will almost assuredly cost more even with an education discount but fi you can afford it I'd go with one anyway. Looks aside I find the usage of the Mac to be much more straightforward and it's a better built machine than the windows based lappy I have.
  2. Well, I just sent one your way.
  3. One might wonder if I'd already gotten a PM about this...
  4. You could try dying or painting them.
  5. I've got Applecare so I'm going to force them to do this one. The keyboard has never been quite right (keys don't align, aren't at the same elevation, some feel really loose) so I'm hopeful they'll replace the topcase for me. But thanks for the suggestion, I've always wanted to do the ying/yang black keyboard setup after hearing about how you did it.
  6. They were damn near universally loved by this weekend's crew. I don't know why Grado can only do special edition cans well but I find nearly their entire range of current production cans utterly forgettable but both the modded HF-1s and stock HF-2s are superb in my book. They're hardly perfect but what flaws they do have are forgivable.
  7. Hmmm, I replied to this and it didn't show... Anyway, the 24" refurbs they have right now are wicked tempting and if it weren't for the two broken ⌘ keys on my macbook that have me annoyed with Apple right now I'd be much more inclined to dew eet. I want to have a look at the 20" version at the Apple store when I get the mbook repaired since really that will be plenty for what I intend to do with this thing.
  8. One more dumb post out of you and you're gone.
  9. Happy Birthday guys!
  10. Holy hell that's a lot of rain! Glad to hear that you're doing ok, I can't imagine what the river must look like.
  11. You were a douche at Head-Fi, clearly you're not going to be much else here. Goodbye.
  12. I have a feeling we're going to torment the shit out of Stretch this fall...
  13. My $$ is on the Lambda Sigs.
  14. Looks like a great time guys, we're hope to do the Northeast version some time this fall/winter.
  15. Something tells me that your budget >>> my budget. The pair we ended up with is a set of Samsung's (the 219 series) and offered what seemed to be the best bang for our buck while having a good reputation for reliability. Total was $1440 delivered. What you will want to look at are the newer models that use steam to both clean and dry. Those are supposed to be the tits but essentially double the cost which I simply couldn't justify or afford. If you don't want a bling WD set the above should do just about everything that a normal family needs including having a Sanitize function and being able to wash a king comforter. I did a fair amount of research on brands/prices/reliability and it's basically a crapshoot with the exception of Sears/Kenmore and Whirlpool. The saleslady that we talked to at Sears said she could not in good conscience recommend any of their house-brand stuff when the competition was much better. That spoke volumes to me and I asked her what she had in her house, she pointed to the Samsung stack and said it's what she's been recommending for most folks for over a year now. The rest of the brands get your typical love/hate feedback online. You either get a good set or a bad one. I suspect far more people get good than bad and that most people with good experiences don't take the time to write online reviews.
  16. Ken shot some internal pics of his amp for me which I'm sure he'll share as soon as he sees this. Also, I've found a second stock Extreme and when I asked the owner if he'd mind taking internal shots so we could see if it was the same primary-as-secondary nonsense he said he couldn't. All of the screws are so tight that the hex heads strip before they move. I offered to open it for him and explained why, he decided to retire the amp instead. What a shitty second half of 2009 SP owners have to look forward to.
  17. Kevin, Even the plitron model Extreme's still wouldn't support the big output tubes and required an external power supply for the 10A filament tubes. So I'd expect the Plitron to carry 120V/.5A and maybe a 6A filament winding. I still don't see anything that looks right in the Plitron listings...
  18. Or just order a stock cable and have someone reterminate it for you. Note- I'm not volunteering for that job.
  19. After experiencing the beauty that is the 24" IMac this weekend I'm strongly considering one for our home computer replacement. Yikes.
  20. I know that I'd be seriously looking at the Peachtree Audio Nova, in fact, I am. MUSICDIRECT - PEACHTREE AUDIO - NOVA INTEGRATED HYBRID AMPLIFIER Hi Indra.
  21. No worries there, many pics taken - there's 8 of us here and no shortage of gear.
  22. Packed up my entire rig and drove down to Stretch's house for a little mini meet.
  23. I figured the thread could use a little funnay.
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