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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Your topic is very, topical, for me today. I decided last night to finish up my little balanced PIMETA project only to find out that the 4-gang alps pot that I have only has three functioning decks. So I'm thinking that I'll have a go at the whole shunted pot thing. I'm pretty sure that I understand what's going on and that the illustration below is how I'll want to wire things. I could have sworn that I'd seen a picture similar to this one that showed the actual wiring scheme (the "for idiots version"). If someone has a working drawing like that of the balanced setup it'd be appreciated as a sanity check.
  2. A punch will have a tough time with steel. What diameter hole do you need to drill/cut?
  3. What's that work out to Steve? 5lbs of pasta and 5lbs of cheese?
  4. First up was long-overdue state inspection for the motorcycle followed by front and rear brake pads for the same in order to get the sticker today. Then grocery shopping.
  5. I'd be happy to give you $100 for the SRM-T1W.
  6. It's not the mercury that I'm afraid of, it's the additional headache that goes along with using them. I remember reading an post by Frank in I think the Simple Stat Amp thread where he described the steps necessary to implement them. I further discussed this with him at CanJam and somewhere in the discussion was a "I don't know why it works but it does" statement from Frank. At that point I figured that if the designer couldn't explain it (even if he really understood it) I had no business getting anywhere near it. I'm a "known good" type of guy and the 5U4 works just fine for me thanks.
  7. Whoever builds it had better be pretty damn talented if they want to take on that mercury vapor tube power supply. That thing is no joke and not simple and considerably different than typical tube rectified supplies.
  8. I don't like the idea that talking with anyone weakens our "position".
  9. Started buying parts for the next project this morning: 4 x 70uF/370VAC motor-run film caps. Looks like my future will involve cutting more large round holes in metal plates.
  10. Oh Stretch you poor, poor man. Or at least soon to be.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. It was a decision that took months to make Steve so it wasn't entered into lightly. Trust in the fact that it's replacement, the MenaceTC, will be equal to the task of replacing the original.
  13. Here's to hoping it isn't the ACL, I've gone through that (although 15 years ago) and it was less than fun. Good news is that from the sounds of things none of what they are seeing would be life altering for you, i.e. a full recovery would be expected even if surgery was required. And Al I'd have to put you on retainer in order to talk about the replacement.
  14. I shipped out The Menace, thereby letting the insanity begin.
  15. x2 what the others have said, here's to hoping that all that happened was a strain/sprain of some kind, Al. As the owner of two rebuilt joints (knee, ankle) I can safely say you want no part of that.
  16. I swung by the Apple store only to be told that it would be 3hrs before a Genius could talk to me about replacing the top case on my macbook. Thankfully I posses an ounce of tact and managed to convince them to do it based on the keys that were falling off the keyboard and that it didn't take a Genius to diagnose that. New keyboard is a little weird but it's nice that it stays together.
  17. I guess that means you don't want to borrow the Thorens?
  18. Yesterday we took Lily to the Seacoast Children's Museum for the first time. It was pretty funny to watch the other kids her age sit semi-passively and play with one thing while she roared about the place running from room to room. Today we're off to the beach for some sun, sand and very little relaxation.
  19. Sweet Al, just in time for the meet!
  20. n_maher

    slow forum

    You do realize the kit that is being offered there is only a "detail" kit and does not include the original F40 car kit that is required. Holy hell I can't imagine the amount of time it would take to do that.
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Shelly, Your assumption is correct, the BUDA shares a common power supply between the two channels. My understanding of the GS-X is the same as yours, that it is a true "dual mono" design and uses a separate power supply for each channel. Now if you want to talk advantages I'm not sure that I would say that the "dual mono" approach is going to yield as much as some other differences. I don't think there's a bad choice to be made here, each offering some advantages over the other. The GS-X is probably the more brutally pure design, the BUDA offering crossfeed, both offering switchable gain.
  23. Shelly, the old 10% Head-Fi discount is long gone as far as I know.
  24. Happy birthday Indra!
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