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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. You got a one track mind today Stretch.
  2. The first Gen Zune was ok, not great, but got soundly kicked to the curb by my Ipod Touch. It'll be interesting to see what they come up with but I'd take iTunes over the horrid mess that was the first gen Zune software.
  3. I think Kevin already posted some impressions somewhere of the T2 vs. BHSE.
  4. The Streets - A Grand Don't Come For Free
  5. It's a long back story and not worth retelling IMO. Vicki was in the right, the other person being a semi-douche, nuff said.
  6. Yeah, scratch that. Just did a bit of estimating on Imagineering and $150 per board is not at all out of the question. That would put me firmly out of the "I'll pitch in to help" camp. A $150 board I'll never use is not something I can do right now.
  7. I'll try to buy a couple of boards to get #'s up. I'm guessing $50/each or so for these things.
  8. I bought it years ago when Stephen King recommend it in an article and figured it was about time to give it a read. I'm 100 pages or so in and so far I'm with you, it's very good.
  9. Hinckley is the location of the Triumph Motorcycle plant.
  10. Add to the list: remove and replace rear brake pads. Special thanks to the asshat at Hinckley who decided that it would be reasonable to expect someone to disassemble a portion of the exhaust to replace brake pads.
  11. There's no work around that I can find that would allow me to receive them unless the sender has the ability to essentially send me an email from there phone which isn't really the same thing. And most of the folks that this is an issue with (my parents, for example) have basic run of the mill cell phones with cameras that can send pix messages all day long but not email. Right now I'd just really like to see a picture of my new niece but that isn't an option on the uberfail phone.
  12. Ok, I'm starting to get pretty pissed off about the Iphone's inability to send or receive picture messages. My freakin' free, 4 year old shitty Verizon phone could do this and the Iphone can't?!?!? My dad tried to send me a picture message tonight and AT&T directed me to some website to view the message but regardless of how I enter the required information it won't let me access the picture. This is weak on an epic scale.
  13. Took the front calipers off of my motorcycle, cleaned them and replaced the brake pads.
  14. Any pics of this thing? Sounds interesting.
  15. Yes, I'm using both channels on the same board - one for L and one for R. The + connects to IR and the - to IL, the ground channel is not populated on either board (shouldn't make a difference that I can see). The power supply is a single TREAD feeding both boards and I've checked the voltages at the various pins of both the OPAL/R and BUFL and BUFR positions and all seems well there. Nope and I checked continuity across the pads to make the sure that the traces had not been cut. I think I'm going to try jumping the pot out of the equation entirely and see what happens then. I have a source that can do digital attenuation so I shouldn't blow my fool head off. I would appreciate any suggestions for how to wire the input ground though (pin 1 on the XLRs), it's still unclear to me what the right connection here would be.
  16. Gary, you could do a shunted pot exactly like the se version but it would take a 4 gang pot. The idea here is to use an se pot for balanced thereby saving a ton a cash.
  17. I tried it two ways. On one, I floated the ground which didn't work well and produced the exceptionally loud buzzing sound but did allow for some audio signal to pass through (albeit not volume controlled) and when I tried tying the input ground to pin1 on XLRs I get no audio. So neither seems correct. Should I be doing something else? I currently have the IG of the two boards tied together, which seemed like the logical thing to do.
  18. Read my edit above, I definitely had things wrong the first time but after fixing my mistake (at least I think I did) the problem persists.
  19. That didn't go well. Time to try again, and hopefully get it right this time. [edit]Nope, NFG. Hard to imagine what is screwed up this time, going to try it on another source and make sure that isn't the issue but I don't expect that to change things. I definitely had the wiring wrong the first time but I'm pretty sure that I have it now. Each channel output is connected across one wiper of the pot with the (#2) wiper pin tied to the (#3) input pin and the in-phase signal connected to this side. The out-of-phase signal is connected to the (#1) ground pin. This is with an Alps RK27. Each channel input is done similarly with a 33k resistor in series with each connection. The output wires are connected to the PIMETA boards at the center two connections in the RK27 footprint, that seemed like the only logical place to do so. I guess I'll post pictures later.
  20. Does 33k sound like an ok value for use with a 50k pot? It's that or 10k for now.
  21. Time to give this a shot. If I blow up my treasured HD201s Colin I expect some O2s in the mail.
  22. Great work guys and I think the tribute inscription is a very nice touch.
  23. Have fun today and take lots of pics.
  24. That's essentially the same schematic (of the pot anyway) that I posted above. What I was looking for is a drawing showing the actual pot like the second pic that I posted. What seems odd to me is that in both schematics it would appear that the connection point #1 which is normally ground in traditional use and output in the single-ended shunt config goes unused in the balanced shunt config. Is that right? Actually now that I look at it the scematic that I posted doesn't match the one that you did. At least it doesn't look like it does to me. Clearly I'm having issues understanding this fully which stinks since the SE shunt config makes perfect sense.
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