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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I have no issue with the noise of the PS3 and I'm pretty picky about that stuff and live in a quieter than average setting.
  2. Vicki's has an RK50 IIRC.
  3. Poly(methyl methacrylate) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hard to imagine it getting anywhere near hot enough to melt.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. I'd imagine that was a necessary side effect, i.e. not everything could be ported over.
  6. I fear Vicki has been swallowed whole by her BHSE.
  7. Not sure how I'm wrong since the cable picture is at least close enough to what Al has as to descriptively work. Bottom line, do yourself a favor Al and find a way to close the center hole in the 6-pin socket and save yourself or someone else an expensive mistake.
  8. Thank you for bumping a 7 month old thread. This is your first and only warning.
  9. Vicki lost/misplaced/forgot where she put her digital camera months ago, I wouldn't hold your breath on pics from her. Congrats V, can't wait to hear what you think of it. And don't forget that when you turn it on it won't actually turn on for a few minutes.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. I believe what you have is this, right? And the reason for the 6-pin jack is that it was what they had. A horrible idea really since it would allow you to plug any normal bias can accidentally into a pro bias jack.
  12. That's a bad Kevin! I found them to be less tolerant of high-output impedance designs compared to their HF-1 brethren and thought they sounded outstanding out of a beta22. I haven't tried them on many tube amps so I can only tell you bad things about that experience. I suspect that something with perhaps a trafo-coupled output would be nice.
  13. One of these days I'll finish up the misfit BH and then can join in on all the EL34 madness. Stupid lack of time these days.
  14. Isn't there some giant box showing up this week? I remember it having a few buttons and lights.
  15. n_maher

    slow forum

    If I unfocus my eyes enough I can see the 4 discrete circles, otherwise my mind wants to see them intertwined. Pretty neat.
  16. I've been hearing the Ipod rumors for weeks, makes sense historically and also would be timed well with the Zune HD release date.
  17. Club 8 - The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Dreaming
  18. I had a friend who worked for a similar company his first 4+ years out of school. The essential bottom line is that you have to be semi-morally flexible and go at it with the realization that they don't really give a shit how you do since they only pay you when you make them money. The work is brutal (selling life insurance to people who generally cannot afford it or would ever think to buy it) and burnout is fast for most people. Even when you get to the lower level management side of things you are still working insane hours with little guarantee of a steady paycheck. Honestly Brent, my first inclination is to say "it's a job, take it" but knowing what my friend Gus went through with what I think is a similar company or at least similar setup leads me to think that it's a less than good idea. I wish I could be more encouraging.
  19. Diablo Swing Orchestra - The Butcher's Ballroom
  20. I'm very much on the fence about keeping mine right now which is precisely why I bought used and did not sign a contract. It's a great multi-media entertainment device, but pretty marginal in the phone department and I don't need to spend $80 a month to be entertained.
  21. Happy birthday!
  22. Yeah, but we all know what you listen to! And Wes, you can feel free to discuss the trafos that you tested. I think as long as you don't rip someone to shreds because you didn't prefer their trafo no one is going get up in arms about it.
  23. The Sounds - Crossing the Rubicon
  24. n_maher


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