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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Damn Al, just damn. I'd offer to build it but I'm going to go out on a limb and say you'll want someone more skilled.
  2. While I like the new album it has yet to grab me like some of her other work has.
  3. I bought this a while ago, but since I hadn't used it I decided not to post about it. It's a Fancourt soldering rig, basically a big rack to mount PCBs and make soldering them a much easier process. I'm a big fan. The solder junkies on this forum will wee themselves just a bit. And big thanks to the guy who helped me find one, he knows who he is.
  4. Dang, that sucks Andy.
  5. Nice, that is a very cool option for sure.
  6. Don't say I didn't warn you about this.
  7. I guess that you can't take the compy out since it's always been the case that you had to be running the slim server software in order to manage the library contents. I can't imagine that going away with the release of one specific product.
  8. You should ask, yes. I won't pretend to know enough to tell you that either component would be 100% ok after the mixed up line voltage setting.
  9. So you're actively seeking etch and grain? If that's the case I'm not sure I can help. The most strident amp I can recall is a PPA V2 with AD8610 opamps, you might look for one of those. It's an often over-looked amp in my opinion and every bit as good as the M
  10. This thread is a wonderful example of over-use of broad generalizations.
  11. Shelly, I'd bet that if you asked if you could keep the current BUDA until a replacement was ready Headroom would say yes.
  12. Something is definitely wrong then. Call tomorrow and I'm sure they will take care of you. Sorry for the all the bad luck.
  13. Shelly, just to double check, you have the front panel switches configured correctly right?
  14. Which tube compliment did you go with?
  15. Wait, I'm confused, you're asking for suggestions but don't want to consider alternatives that you haven't already heard? I guess my confusion is that if you've already heard something why would you care if I recommended it? If you're concerned about the P-1 I'd point you to some rather established member's opinions about it (Voltron, tyrion, agile_one, etc) who've all owned it along with other not sucky gear. I haven't heard it for more than a few minutes so I can't offer anything other than the fact that my brief impression did not make me doubt what others had to say about it.
  16. Hickok I-177B. And the "restoration" is being taken care of by our mutual friend. By the time it gets to me it'll be functionally perfect and I couldn't care less about a little rust here or there. It's more than likely been through at least one war so the fact that it's all still there is pretty amazing. Plus, I pretty much fell in love when I found the following in the manual.
  17. Indeed, but look at it in all its milspec glory and its ability to test 307As, 300Bs, and all things with glorious octal bases. Seriously though, with ~20 307As to test and only needing to keep 4 I think I can pay for the tester in short order as well as offer help to friends who might need matching services.
  18. oh frack me
  19. I'm assuming you're using the 18ga stuff, right? If so I have some 5/16" NMF that might be big enough to fit the mess inside. Just let me know how much you need if you want to try and pretty it up. I have a spool...
  20. Yes, I've done something similar to that. It can be a bit of a pain if you're trying to house it all inside sleeving but it should be doable.
  21. You could almost get stevio's P-1. What's another $100? FS: Luxman P-1 - Final Price - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  22. Congrats Doug!
  23. From what I'm reading the "copy" that is out there is such a shitty rip that it's hard to tell how good it is.
  24. The Decemberists - The Tain
  25. I respectfully suggest you take a week and reconsider your membership here.
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