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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. You are not trending well.
  2. n_maher

    slow forum

    For the bewbs?
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. If Jerry wants to send me both I'd happily review them.
  5. This despite my QB and team defense scoring a combined total of 2 pts!
  6. Nice Doug, those look great! me: had a great day with the family. Little Sis and soon-to-be hubby were visiting from Cali this weekend so we piled in the car and headed for our parent's house for lunch with them and my brother and his family. Got home, had dinner, put Lily to bed and then had a bit of time to finally put humpty dumpty back together again.
  7. I don't think I know any of the admin staff there but I'll see what I can do. I have no patience or sympathy for scammers.
  8. User name, right now.
  9. Pics or ban.
  10. Moonsorrow - Tulimyrsky EP
  11. I think you meant .
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. No need to, I know it's essentially correct. And I have no problem with those who are at the most risk getting the shots but I am of the belief (perhaps unfounded) that if the entire population gets the shots that all we are doing is weakening our immune systems and creating vaccine resistant diseases. I also hate anti-bacterial soap.
  14. Beth Orton - Trailer Park
  15. Yes to the first part, not sure on the second. Now I read the second part of that as an almost "we won't know for a while" type of answer but also that it's pretty clear that it isn't the killing machine that the news has made it out to be. And Stretch, clearly if your kids are predisposed to being at risk the "better safe than sorry" approach is one that I can identify with.
  16. Triple "boo" - you better do something fun this afternoon. And Dinny, no one in my fam is getting any "swine flu" shot. Regular flu, maybe, but since the swine flu is just a variant on the same damn flu you always get the idea that they're making up special shots for it is pretty ridiculous. And that's not my opinion, that's from the pediatric nurse next door. The same people are dying from "swine flu" as would from the regular flu, someone just gave this flu a catchy name and caused a global f'ing panic.
  17. Wildly different output stages probably have something to do with Dan's comments, which again are different on the Buf32 board that is used in Steve's DAC compared to thrice's Buffalo that was at CanJam.
  18. 1/2" sleeving is pretty huge. What type of IC's are you building?
  19. The y2 site is now live, boards are imminent. The full build is pretty fracken impressive. (images from MisterX)
  20. Happy Birthday Deepak!
  21. Hell yes. Me: Anna Ternheim - Sings Sanatra (bonus disc)
  22. n_maher


    I was kind of thinking the same thing. Hey look, I got something completely different for less money.
  23. Semi-gloss spray lacquer. 5 coats, sand/buff in between each coat with #0000 steel wool as taught by Dr. Wood.
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