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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. I fill the "some idiot might try this" requirement. And I doubt they'll ask me to program anything, although I am pretty good with my TI-85.
  3. If rumors are to be believed I'm on the prototyping team so HC should get a nice inside line on development.
  4. It is except: 1. It'll be available. 2. It'll be in stock. 3. It won't be "upgraded" 2 days after you place your order. I love the Twisted Pear guys but holy heck, they are their own worst enemy some days.
  5. and jebus, i'm crying here...
  6. OH SNAP! Here's to hoping the elves treat you right on your special day.
  7. Just curious if you're referring to the stock or uhhh aftermarket cable?
  8. VPI - jebus Jeff, that should make for quite the interesting comparison. Me: 1. The last of the Mouser parts for my BH power supply. 2. More passive parts for the 307A project. Ouch.
  9. Yeah, my sister's Macbook started acting up yesterday and will no longer connect to her preferred network.
  10. Yeah, I was pretty close to starting both because of their respective opponents but really the injury to Gore was where things started to go horribly wrong. Kudos to deepak, he would have won regardless.
  11. Oh effing snap. The LCDuino-1 I/O processor - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  12. You be quiet, you!
  13. I am trying to pretend that my bench did not score more than my starters...
  14. That is my understanding based on a little reading I did earlier today. Pretty sucky of them if you ask me.
  15. AT&T sent me a text this morning (or late yesterday?) that MMS has finally been enabled on the iPhone. Takes a quick update via itunes but seems to work great for sending pics from the internal memory. Can't quite figure out yet how to type a message and then attach a picture, but I haven't tried very hard.
  16. Got up, had breakfast, went grocery shopping, took Lily and the wife apple picking and just got back from a 40min bike ride. Great day so far.
  17. If you want to save money someone once suggested to me to just have large openings cut and install mesh on the bottom side of the panel. You might consider that for the bottom panel at least, since really if you're going to improve air flow you need to do it on both the inlet and outlet side of things, not just the outlet.
  18. Should you be busy unwrapping a package and easing my nerves?
  19. Decided to join team chip-whore/vintage DAC: EAD DSP 1000 MKIII w/ 2 x PCM63P-K + PMD100. I hope to try and find out what the upgrades Noble electronics offers.
  20. Wut?
  21. Good luck deepak!
  22. It works now.
  23. Imogen Heap -- Ellipse This is growing on me, a lot.
  24. Wait, you'd pay more for holes if the come with disease? I think you have that backwards my friend.
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