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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Woo is a good choice in my book. I haven't spent any extensive time with them but as far as I can tell they are built well and seem to be well liked. That's about all I can offer.
  2. SET amps are not necessarily transformer coupled. SET just means single ended triode.
  3. Happy Birthday Peter!
  4. A civic coupe, GTFO?
  5. NICE!
  6. Epica - Design Your Universe
  7. I may have heard the universals, but if I did it was briefly. My rational for not doing it is essentially the point you already raised - do you really want to drop $1100 on custom IEMs and have them be your only headphone. Me, I could never live with only IEMs since I can't afford to be that isolated when I listen and when I do want to wear IEMs it is in situations when I don't want $1100 stuck in my ears (mowing the lawn, clearing the driveway, etc). So while I definitely get why some folks here dew eet, I don't agree that JH13s are the end all be all for everyone.
  8. I'd wager a phone call could answer that.
  9. I'd say this thread sufficiently sucks.
  10. i would not dew eet
  11. This is as much as I have done so far.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. This topic interests me greatly.
  14. Spoon - Kill The Moonlight and Anthony Stewart Head & George Sarah - Music For Elevators
  15. 1. google phrase: amazon david gray white ladder 2. click link for amazon.com 3. click link for larger album art 4. right-click, "copy image location" 5. paste into thread using img tags. That's how I do it and it find 99% of what I need.
  16. Mr. Millett and I may make him cry at CanJam '10.
  17. If all goes to plan I'll be picking something up like this in the spring.
  18. Well played... P.s. Still pix or ban on the F1.
  19. Pics or ban my friend, you know the rules. Wait, what? What did I miss?
  20. I didn't get it from Manco, he was out of stock and another deal popped up.
  21. 20% off was too much to pass up.
  22. RF15/2/D/A
  23. Happy Birthday Vicki! Still the reigning Queen of headphones.
  24. Being gullible and wanting a simple, straightforward GUI are not necessarily the same thing. False. I can count the number of times my Mac has crashed on one hand whereas I've lost count of how many times my Windows OS laptop has gone down. Not to mention the propensity for system updates to require reinstalling the entire OS (that's already happened once in 16 mo). You're killing yourself, you know that, right? Do you think that you're talking to a bunch of idiots or blind fools here? I don't know why I'm bothering, really, since at this rate you've got one foot in the grave.
  25. Way to fall into your own trap and make a stupid dumbass comment like that and kill your own credibility.
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