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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Early reports have the 4ch P&G pot coming in around $400 (for an order of 10) with a 5-6 week lead time.
  2. Sarah Jarosz - Song Up In Her Head
  3. Kevin, Do you have the top panel as a cad file? If so, want to email it to me? I'd like to play around with some venting options that don't use MOAR HOLES. I liked the look of the '9' version of the top panel better and thing that adding slots might look cleaner. That's just my 2
  4. Odd, I just did that too.
  5. Sorta trying to ensure that a pair of original Moth Cicadas have a very long, happy life. The Fostex drivers will be dropped in the Larvae enclosures and we'll see how it goes. Might suck, might be ok, we'll find out soon enough.
  6. Funny you'd say that, I was digging through my storage closet this weekend and came across my two boxes of vinyl and figured I should probably loan them to you.
  7. I spoke with the P&G rep that I know, he's requested a quote from the factory and should be getting back to me this week with pricing and lead time information.
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Perhaps a broken pair, I know I would prefer silence.
  10. My $$ is on project: Little Salty.
  11. n_maher


    Yeah, Apple's mag connector is patented and from what I've read Xpal and others haven't found a way to license it and have been trying for 3+ years. It sucks since I know I'll be traveling over the Christmas holidays this year and one would come in really handy.
  12. n_maher


    If it could charge a Mac laptop I'd get one, but I suspect there's no tip for that.
  13. Nope, they're "In Stock". The Buffalo DAC
  14. If there's enough folks in the US to get over 25 sockets it may still be worth it to group buy through PCX and again, I'm willing to help with this if people are interested.
  15. Buff32 kit w/ power supplies = $529 Two trafos = $42 Parts total = $571 No case, limited input capability, no accessories (connectors, switches, blah). I agree, pretty impossible to imagine a completed build coming in much under ~$800 for just parts. My guess is that the EE product won't have anywhere near the power supply or output stage complexity that the TP kit does.
  16. n_maher


    I think he read your post in an incredibly sarcastic voice.
  17. Well, based on Kevin's quote we'd pay no more than $3 per socket more through PCX and really if anyone bitches about $24 ($3 x 8 sockets) on a project likely to cost in the thousands to build I'm likely to someone.
  18. Be a hell of a lot easier to get them from Parts Connexion, wouldn't it? PCX Image CMC Image CONNEX Socket 8-pin, Octal (KT88, 6550, EL34, etc.) CONNEX Socket 9-pin, (12AX7, 12AU7, 12AT7, 6DJ8, etc.) Look like the same thing to me and while PCX's price is a bit higher I'll contact them about quantity discounts over the 25+ discount they list on their site. How many of each are required for each amp?
  19. Seems like there should be a decimal point there somewhere, I could imagine it being $126.00. What sockets are these Kevin (PM if you like)?
  20. Happy Birthday Marc!
  21. I can check with one contact that I have if it'd help. The same guy quoted ~$250 for 2 gang P&Gs. Be aware that I don't think P&G makes pots higher than 10k (15k on special order occasionally) so that may be a factor.
  22. Kevin, If the group is small like I'm expecting it will be I might be able to manage the GB.
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