The Official Naming Convention of Menaces (Menacie?)
The original will always be simply "The Menace". (approx 50lbs)
The most recent incarnation is "The MenaceTC Lite". (approx 30lbs)
The forthcoming stupidly expensive 307A-based nonsense is tentatively called "Colossus". Since the topology is so different I decided a while back to give it an entirely different name. I'm not sold on the current one, but until something better comes around it is what it is. Someone could, if so inclined, build a MenaceTC that would bear a strong similarity to the original and would be even heavier but that amp would look significantly different than the 307A amp. I also won't be able to share the schematic I'm using for the 307A amp further separating it from the original Menace concept.
As for what it takes to be called Colossus, well here's the current pile o' parts.