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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Your knowledge of the inner workings of Audiogon is truly inspiring.
  2. It's not broken again is it? I'll be if it is.
  3. n_maher


    They all came with the standard warranty so I don't see why they'd fail any more frequently. Otherwise they just doubly screwed themselves.
  4. Kristin Hersch - Hips and Makers Following the loose thread that is the song, Your Ghost.
  5. Greg Laswell - Covers EP A track off this was featured at the end of last week's Dollhouse episode so I decided to track it down.
  6. You do know my wife runs not 1 but 2 fantasy football teams and both are #1 in their respective leagues right?
  7. What can I say, my team sucks as of late.
  8. My team has fallen off some sort of cliff, I'm blaming you for jinxing me last week.
  9. Hmmm unbirthday eh? Quite the present you're getting for you unbirthday Ken!
  10. Yup, just about. I'm in a semi holding patter since if I go back to Verizon and pick up their data plan it'll be a family-wide change (wife too) and I'm not sure I want to be carrying around a $150/mo cell phone bill.
  11. Unfortunately they won't, these are the buffer bandwidth resistors on a Pimeta and anything larger can't get down in there. And I'm stuck matching the working board that I have which is why I'm hunting the specific 200ohm value.
  12. Thanks Naaman, it's not something before the end of the year really so if you have a chance to look when you get home that'd be great.
  13. Approved!
  14. Anyone happen to have a couple 200ohm RN55D resistors kicking around?
  15. Part yesterday, part today: finished stuffing the eXStata amp pcbs. Started mocking it all up in a potential chassis and it looks promising but may require non-conventional mounting of the transformer. :S Also took the EAD DAC pcb out of the chassis and removed what was hopefully the offending, buzzing transformer. The replacement trafo should arrive either tomorrow or Tuesday, assuming the USPS isn't in full on panic mode. This was way easier than expected although one fail point is awarded to EAD for putting a mounting screw below a daughter board in a nearly inaccessible location.
  16. Well jamato confirmed that this amp doesn't share the digital volume control of the Shadow so we're back to the panasonic pot. That may also hint at only the output stage being differential so calling it balanced at all is kinda "meh" in my book.
  17. Am I reading correctly that this thing will only operate on AT&T and T-Mobile in the US? I hope not.
  18. I have structural concerns about that output jack. One wonders what is left as the weak link when the amp tries to rotate and the cable won't let it or vice versa?
  19. The problem that I have is that at 12" it's not a netbook anymore. They are ruining their own concept...
  20. What on earth gave you the idea that you weren't?
  21. I guess I officially became a bootlegger since I illegally shipped booze cleaning fluid across state lines. I don't feel bad, FedEx didn't ask what was in the box so I didn't offer.
  22. n_maher


    That might work and certainly thanks for posting it. My understanding is that based on the specs it is significantly less powerful than the previous items that have come up, albeit less than half as expensive though.
  23. n_maher


    I wasn't aware that furry implied kids? If his name were Matt Nambla that would make more sense.
  24. Add to that (in some way) the fact that you are most definitely getting what you pay for and that no $200/$300 netbook is ever going to "feel" as nice as a proper laptop. My Asus, which is similar to SO's I think, is quick enough to not be annoying doing light task work and within a few weeks I hope to have it setup as my music server running the Slimserver software. I'll report how it does at that but I expect it'll be just fine.
  25. That yields twice the chance of success, right?
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