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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. n_maher


    Microsoft 16GB Zune HD Video MP3 Player - EHD-00001 - Buy.com That should net you a 16GB HD for $189.99 + free shipping.
  2. I hope that's for more than one effing trip.
  3. Thoughts? Power Designs TP340 Triple Output DC Power Supply #5498 - eBay (item 230417549465 end time Jan-04-10 13:38:52 PST)
  4. The Q700 looks more like what he was looking for. Lenovo - IdeaCentre Q700 Compact PCs
  5. Just the plain 3G here and I've also read reports that the GS is much better in terms of call volume. But I have no desire to be beholden to AT&T for two years since I'm not under contract right now so a new iPhone is not something I'm considering. P.s. I also hate the fact that Apple pulled a switcheroo and now you can only manage your music on one computer even if the iTunes account is the same on multiple machines. That makes it just about impossible for me to do what I want to do with the iPhone as a music player which kills about 50% of its functionality.
  6. Hilarious. I just watched Cnet's video review of the Droid Eris (potential phone for wife) and it started with one of the Luke Wilson AT&T adds. Epic fail.
  7. At the recommendation of Mr. Chalk: Canvas Solaris - Sublimation
  8. agreed and frustrating.
  9. Not for me, call volumes are too low to be heard just about everywhere except near silent conditions. Honestly, it's a struggle to use it in the car and the speakerphone section is even worse. And yes, I've tried it without the case on it to see if that is hurting the volume and that doesn't help. Coverage around me blowing chunks is certainly a contributing factor as well.
  10. I'm about 90% sure that I'll be giving das iPhone the boot in a few days. As a device, it's pretty great, as a phone it sucks. Since most of what I need is just a phone, operation punt is looking more and more appealing every day.
  11. You could try one of these cheap. B&H Kit Info
  12. Happy Birthday Steve!
  13. The Decemberists - The Crane Wife
  14. Ok and thanks, I'll have a go tonight.
  15. n_maher


    I've had that shirt for ~3yrs now, I regularly wear it to meets.
  16. A relative in my office offered one of his Snow Leopard licenses to me (he bought the family pack), I assume there will be no issues installing this on my Macbook right?
  17. I've had alligator, ostrich and a few other off the beaten path meets but generally my pallet is pretty pedestrian.
  18. Mike, if you want to shoot video Canon really is the way to go. My sister's wedding photog is a diehard Nikon user but for vid they shoot with one of the new Canon bodies. Seemed like a pretty bold statement given how brand-identified most pros seem to be.
  19. Nice Shelly, I have the VR I version of that lens and it hasn't come off my camera for over a year. And do pickup the 600 if budget permits, the on-board flash will do in a pinch but really an external just opens up a world of better image creation. Get a cheap diffuser while you're at it for those times when you just can't bounce the flash.
  20. Heh, just caught this little piece of news. AT&T Blunder Cuts Off iPhone Sales in NY - PC World Business Center WTF?
  21. To be fair, some douchebag bumped the thread before David's reply. That reply was deleted (by me) which makes it look like 909 was drunk posting.
  22. I'd say go for it other than the fact that I hate the max attenuation limit on the JT and the input impedance gets way low for some settings (2.2k min). I got to experience one first hand when I was working on Steve's beta22, I was not a huge fan even though I really wanted to be.
  23. Because I think that at some point we're going to come to a point of convergence where people don't want 50 devices to do 50 different things. If you could get a tablet for roughly double the price of the Kindle (who knows how accurate that statement is but I'm guessing it'll have to be cheaper than your average macbook) that was full color, allowed you to be able to watch HD video content, surf the web, write emails, take notes, take care of all of your scheduling, manage your music library and a whole host of other things why would you buy the Kindle? Most folks that I've come into contact with are pretty ok using their iPhone as a reader so I'm betting e-ink isn't turning out to be the advantage that the ebook man'f thought it would be.
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