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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. ^^ shill
  2. I say again, how do you not notice this?
  3. Say goodbye to Stretch's wallet.
  4. I cannot adequately express the disappointment it was to have the Tivo software installed and realize how much it'd be hacked and handcuffed. 4 years removed from my last Tivo and I still miss it and honestly, if Hulu could stream to my PS3 in HD I'd ditch cable altogether.
  5. I have the Comcast/Tivo DVR and it, in a word, sucks. I actually think that the straight Comcast DVR is better and that isn't saying much. It's not even remotely close to an actual Tivo. It's like if you recruited Usain Bolt to run a race for your team but just prior to the start made him eat 50 hot dogs, blindfolded him and tied both his legs together. Sure, he'd still mostly look like the fastest guy in the world but he'd probably not go where you wanted, wouldn't be fast and stands a good chance of puking.
  6. (L to R, 3G iPhone, Droid, iPhone in a case) Taken from this article - Droid vs. iPhone Size Comparison ? Jangro.com I'd echo their impression that the angular sides of the droid make it feel even thicker.
  7. It just felt clunky, overly thick, and I for one don't need the physical keyboard and couldn't help but think that it would have been a better phone without it. The lack of multi-touch also pissed me off considering the Eris has it and is supposedly the "stripped down version".
  8. The Dead Weather - Horehound Digital
  9. I demo'd one in store last week, I didn't like it. I liked the Eris better. And Stretch, waiting till summer time would be fine. I'm going to try a headset with the iPhone and see if that'll be sufficient for times when the in-car volume leaves me wanting.
  10. I can't believe that any commercial product would be made with the output floating, that's actually pretty scary.
  11. I'd like to think they won't have the option to do so. I'm now pretty much in a holding pattern as far as my next phone goes. There's too much on the 2010 horizon between AT&T's Apple contract expiring, the gphone potentially coming to Verizon, rumors of an Iphone refresh, etc. Seems like now is a bad time to buy a phone if you want to be on Verizon's network.
  12. The posting of the new Weiss DAC got me thinking about this thread so I went over to Antelope's site, or tried, only to find this message. This Account Has Been Suspended Please contact the support department as soon as possible, and please have your site name ready. www.antelopeaudio.com
  13. Yup, no Koss doesn't equal just no warranty, it equals the potential for no service, period.
  14. I thought it time we come full circle, no one knows shit about this thing and it's likely going to remain that way and only get worse for the next 20 odd days. In truth, I do find the portion of the article about how the culture of Apple has tended to develop products very interesting. It just doesn't say jack about the tablet.
  15. Here's one of the better articles I've ready about the Tablet, albeit it is more about what the device is likely to be in the context of how Apple approaches any product. But I found it interesting anyway and figured others might as well. Daring Fireball: The Tablet
  16. Just figured that I'd bump this to say that I received my streaming DVD yesterday and tried it last night. Setup was simple and I seem to have sufficient bandwidth to maintain even the HD tagged titles (tested with Terminator 2). I hope that they continue to add content as the choices are somewhat limited and it'll be interesting to see if Comcast and other service providers start getting pissy about it if it gains in popularity. Added disclaimer: regular def content stuff looks pretty awful on my 42" TV, but the HD stuff was very watchable.
  17. Papa Santa? If so, congrats Wayne.
  18. Not sure. I'm still trying to figure out the illuminated "Input" switch.
  19. No, it's not the same thing, but you could do something similar by taking a known voltage and building a series of dividers to check a range of voltages too. It was just a suggestion of one easy thing to check that might hint at how the meter is doing. Me, I wouldn't worry about it. I'm with the camp that says as long as the meter provides repeatable/consistent results rather than pin-point accuracy it's doing what I need it to do.
  20. Glad to hear it, that would have been pretty awful. The heat shrink choice stands as pretty lazy, but otherwise probably fine.
  21. That'd be my guess.
  22. Buy some tight tolerance resistors, measure the group, judge for yourself. Better yet, buy some sets in wildly separated values, test them all.
  23. Wake me when it's not restricted to T-mo. Their coverage map in my neck of the woods looks even worse than AT&T.
  24. The least I would have done would have been to add a piece of shrink above where Alex's stopped. That would have taken all of 5 minutes and made for a much better looking finished product, there's no excuse for amanufacturer not to do that. And that still doesn't explain the zip tie, assuming I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing. I also don't think it's fair to invoke -=her=- just yet so let's avoid hyperbole for a little while longer.
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