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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I ain't skeeeered of that fat tub of goo.
  2. Be strong.
  3. A few DB25 connectors.
  4. DVD Flick looks like it'll work, but takes enough system resources that I'll have to wait till after work to let it run and check the results tomorrow morning.
  5. Grahame, Thanks, I'll try to look at some of that later. My issue really isn't getting the file to play on my PS3, I'm semi-savvy enough to be able to do that most days but ultimately what I'd like to do is get the mkv to the point where I can create a custom DVD from it. From what I understand none of the dvd authoring programs that I have access to are going to be able to handle the mkv format.
  6. So I have a mkv file that I would ultimately like to try and get onto a writeable DVD that can perhaps be played in a standard DVD player. I have tried several pieces of software to would presumably at least allow me to transcode the mkv file to avi and therefore make it more "playable" on various HTPCs. For example, my PS3 won't play mkv but will play most avi. So can anyone help. Time really isn't of essence here, I've been working on this on and off for 6 months already. I keep reading page after page that allegedly link to programs like mkv2ps3 and others but eff me if I can even find download links some times.
  7. I often use my panavise in conjunction with a helping hands. And I've actually found it "handy" to have two sets of helping hands that are different sizes.
  8. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Yeah, I'll know more than 24hrs in advance. I guess this officially gives me a deadline for the 307A project.
  9. n_maher


    Thanks Jin, but with the two batteries that came with my netbook I get ~8hrs even while watching movies which is more than enough.
  10. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Room Reserved for Friday and Saturday nights. Still up for debate whether or not I'll be there, but given Dinny's news of the rate selling out it seemed prudent.
  11. AudiogoN ForSale: Cambridge Audio Azur 840A Version 2
  12. New bedrooom set. Wallet destroyed.
  13. Deliberate purchasing and immediate resale of items for profit. And that was just a component of NoNoNoNoNoNo's ban.
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. Are you sure that the main volume knob isn't a balance control? I can't find large enough pics to tell but most of the stax amps I've encountered are built that way.
  16. You have just stumbled upon the reason for the pico slim. And I would not recommend an impedance adapter.
  17. I'd say he succeeded. No more teasing.
  18. Lightly used Toyota Yaris? I don't trust that any US car manufacturer other than Ford will be around more than a decade so whatever they're offering on the G3 as a warranty is a hollow promise to me.
  19. If you're talking about the one on Stephen's site currently, no, he bought an older one from last year that velogreg sold (IIRC).
  20. Amazing. Same kid had enough scratch to just buy a balanced beta22. Must be nice.
  21. Are you actively campaigning for a ban?
  22. I'm somewhat surprised that there hasn't been any anti-trust rumblings about Ebay requiring Paypal payments. Seems pretty unfair and certainly gives Paypal a clear advantage. Of course they're (I think) owned by the same group now so it's hardly surprising but it has to be nearly impossible for anyone to compete as a result.
  23. Anneke Van Giersbergen & Agua De Annique - In Your Room
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