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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. As a structural engineer I feel compelled to tell you that it may not simply be a matter of cutting a hole in your ceiling and installing this lift. The "Framing Specs" section of the first product's website is a joke and could get someone killed. I love their: No shit, really? You mean most attics aren't designed to store much of anything? So I guess what I'm really trying to say is that don't ignore the complexity involved with safely installing the lift. I'd recommend consulting a professional engineer, not a contractor (no offense to Steve), before doing anything like this. And for the love of Pete, please don't buy a commercial scissor lift and try to use it in your house.
  2. I find it hard to argue their logic and it parallels with what I've been hearing through various tech podcasts like Macbreak Weekly.
  3. Sia - Some People Have Real Problems
  4. I was actually thinking about this for my real job, where I regularly work with architects who produce scale models of projects. But the DIY applications are pretty cool too.
  5. I'm actually pretty interested. I wonder what software it supports/needs?
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Swallow The Sun - Plague of Butterflies
  8. It's official. Conan O'Brien signs deal, Friday his last 'Tonight Show' | EW.com
  9. Just to add one more point, I find the right-most bit pretty useful for thicker panels. At least when it happens to have the correct diameter step. I also use Irwin branded stepped bits and can't believe that my #1 bit has lasted as long as it has. It's got to have seen 50 plus chassis at this point.
  10. He will, of course, as evidenced by the cable I posted on the previous page. And the reasoning for this set is easy, like if you got to a meet and don't want to drag the full octopus DB25 cable (which is what it'll eventually be). There are also still lingering questions about what outputs are available to the firewire input. The TRS connections are CH1 and CH2 only so the hope is that they will be the easiest to setup and get him up and running.
  11. Greg gets to remove the "pending" from his sig soon...
  12. I was surprised at how openly Jay slammed NBC, essentially laying the blame for all of it at their feet. Hard to argue with his logic though, it's not like his rating were slipping when they decided that it was Conan's turn. Also hard to argue that they are wrong to reinstate Jay in the Tonight Show timeslot although I'd argue they hardly gave Conan enough time to really settle into that role. Sadly, it's a good commentary on what TV has become, an overly-micromanaged business where anything halfway original gets cut midway through a season or stuffed into a Friday night time slot where it's doomed to fail from day 1. At least that's how I see most of the major networks running things. I'm still waiting for CSI Parking Garage...
  13. I'd bring the baby back home, it just seems like karma.
  14. It's here now so I'm hopeful. Digging the car out in Manchester isn't exactly something to look forward to but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. iPhone plus netbook = tolerable travel. I'll never go without again.
  15. I think for the original price they are very hard to beat and I can't see parting with mf hf1s given the absurdly low price that was charged for them and how good they sound post-mods.
  16. Thanks Ken. So far flights are going as scheduled but this leg is going to be the kicker. We're supposed to start bording in about a half hour and I don't see a planeā€¦
  17. I'm sitting at the airport too Shelly. Just got through the massive hassle caused by me seeing if there was an earlier flight I could catch. The ever helpful folks at US airways said yes and booked the flight which would have got me out of here an hour earlier. Of course what they didn't say was that it would get me home a half hour later. Several phone calls and supervisor later I'm back on my original flight. Ugh.
  18. Coffee, water and snacks. Given the bullshit weather happening at most of Airports today I am not expecting painless travel. Here's to hoping I just get home today.
  19. Got up at 3:30 and headed for the airport. I'm now on the ground in Nashville about to pick up my rental car an go surprise my sister and her husband at the reception they are holding today for folks that couldn't make the wedding.
  20. What's that I smell, a free upgrade to JH16s for your troubles?
  21. Brian has posted a thread here now too.
  22. Please be aware that while the dimensioning program that I used matched what Cardas had shown on their drawing Cardas also state right on the image that it isn't a technical drawing. I'd guess what I show will get you close, but wouldn't bet my life on it.
  23. You might try asking Headroom if they'd share this information sine they've long used these parts in their amps. I'm also curious what information you think you're missing? Maybe I can help.
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