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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I doubt you deserved it, it certainly sucks and is a pretty painful lesson.
  2. Please tell me you didn't send a MO to some random guy in Europe???
  3. It sure looks like there are jumpers on the pcb for changing the input voltage but they also look like they are soldered in which may make changing them a bear. I'd probably just get a properly sized stepdown trafo and call it a day.
  4. Glad you made it ok Strech, when's the mini meet? I heard airfare is cheap.
  5. While sad this was hardly unexpected.
  6. I was the same way for a while (but anti-clockwise) but for the first time this morning I just unfocused my eyes a bit and viola, I can see both now. My mind still defaults to anti-clockwise though. You know what's really effed, if I try hard enough I can get her top to spin one way and her bottom the other. That hurts my head.
  7. I see that, but it'll only let me select 50 at a time despite clicking the check box next to the total # of PM's on the first page.
  8. Is there no longer an option to download PMs? I looked and can't find it and found that to be a pretty handy feature.
  9. Snowing a bit here now, certainly not a blizzard.
  10. Once again we're not supposed to get squat up here, 1-3 inches.
  11. Hopefully there will at least be figure skating practice going on at the same time. That was one of the more entertaining parts of doing Phish shows in Placid, mmmm figure skaters...
  12. You should stop posting, like now.
  13. I'm not sure the Oppo would see the Mini as an external drive in the same way it sees a USB flash drive, actually I'm pretty convinced that it wouldn't.
  14. That sucks man, can you call a cab, walk to the end of the street and go do some grocery shopping? Otherwise I'd seriously consider calling the police and asking for the street to be cleared. WTF would happen if there was a fire or other emergency on the street? Are they going to park up the street and watch someone's house burn?
  15. Don't you know bulbs don't matter? They all measure the same.
  16. Meanwhile in NH I could practically mow my lawn.
  17. If cheap is a must have you thought about using a headlamp? You could get a decent one for around half your budget and nothing is going to pack up as easy as that. Otherwise, something like this which clamps to the edge of the table is exactly what I've used for the last 3 years. Hard to imagine you'd find better for $19 shipped and there are a bunch listed with no bids.
  18. Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse
  19. Yay you.
  20. That was a lot of fun to watch.
  21. Jebus, I still need to send you those feet, eh?
  22. Woke up and cooked breakfast for my Maura, Lily and my parents (who came down to visit). Just met up with Todd/skullguise to do a little gear exchange and now it's time for Super Bowl prep.
  23. Happy Birthday, Jeff!
  24. I'm somewhat friendly with Brian, the owner of TPA, I'll drop him an email and see if he'd be willing to do anything for us as a small group. Maybe I can get the fab files for the boards and get a small run done, I'd like one as well.
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