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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I take it this means you won't be sending yours with her? Where's the love?
  2. I guess more to point is how do you see yourself using it? Would you ever really be so far from a wifi hotspot that it'd be worth it?
  3. I'd reread that article about why you don't want the 3G built in model, Dinny. If memory serves you hated AT&T's 3G service in NYC much like I hate it in NH.
  4. [1] 4" digital scale [1] 8" digital scale [1] 8" digital caliper [1] set of center drills and countersinks
  5. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I will admit that the more days that pass and the more actual features that get shown the more likely I am to buy one.
  6. That would be sad, Netflix would make a very compelling iPad app. Although I agree with Dan that it seems somewhat unlikely given Apple's desire to sell you exactly that type of content through the iTunes store.
  7. I was listening to a podcast on the way home (Macbreak Weekly) and they were discussing the update so when I got home I just clicked on the Apple menu, selected software update and it took care of both of them. I launched iTunes and didn't notice anything different. I did, however, find it disappointing that the power management options that used to exist are still missing from Snow Leopard. I don't seem to get anywhere near the battery life that I used to out of my Macbook.
  8. It was the full bundle of both the OS and iTunes, it started out showing iTunes as the only download but obviously there was more. It's installed now without apparent issue.
  9. Perhaps old news already but there's a rather large OS update (as of yesterday I hear) that fixes a bunch of security flaws. I started downloading it today and also found that there's a 500+MB iTunes update as well. Those expecting iPads probably want to make sure their machines are up to date prior to Saturday.
  10. Which puts us at roughly Saturday when it's supposed to be sunny and 70, you know, like typical early April in the North East. This all gets a big WTF from me.
  11. I work where it says "PSM" on the map and live about 20 miles to the southwest, right smack dab in the 4" to 8" of rain in the last week zone. According to one source NH has gotten 11-1/2" of rain so far this year.
  12. Yup - Worldport (UPS air hub) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  13. Yup, everything's 5x5 now.
  14. From what I'm hearing just about every order is being routed through Kentucky, even West Coast shipments.
  15. Just an FYI - neither of those links works for me, Kevin.
  16. I had an idea for the chicklet, I think it would be cool if it was made to look like the original T2 faceplate.
  17. Yup, it's been raining hard all day here and the sump pump has been kicking on and off pretty regularly. The rain is supposed to taper off this evening with flood waters peaking tonight and receding tomorrow.
  18. I'm in somewhat the same boat Marc, in that I want the bandsaw to be able to handle both wood and metal. But what I keep reading about the metal side of things is that you really need to pay attention to clamping when cutting metal and vertical bandsaws don't do that particularly well.
  19. Submit your documentation from the manufacturer to Paypal and if you think it's warranted escalate the claim.
  20. I got nothing. But if I was going to put a logo on a labor of love like that I wouldn't put a smiley face. I'd think a simple T2 in some interesting font in raised letters would be much more appropriate.
  21. I think the T2 deserves a lot better.
  22. Nice saw! Which Powermatic do you think would have offered more for the same price? I'm going to try and go look at an older Jet this week, it's one town over and I think is part of their metalworking line as well.
  23. He'll only ask for a free amp in return.
  24. Steve, I was looking at a setup like the one you bought recently since my cordless is down to own good battery. It's hard to fault it, having lasted 6 years or so and through countless projects. Still it's always frustrating to look and find that buying an entire new drill with two batteries costs slightly more than buying one replacement battery.
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