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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I'm also in the market, I think. Looking for something that can do time-delay adjustments as this is becoming an increasing issue for me. I'm pretty sure that I'll have to use HDMI switching to be able to manipulate this properly.
  2. If I had to do it over again I'd probably go with SmugMug. It's just way too much damn work to move everything over at this point not to mention the thousand or so broken links that would result. Still, I contemplate it from time to time and may do it eventually as pbase continues to annoy me with its lack of updated interface. I feel like I'm using something that was created 10 years ago.
  3. Yup, when I bought my MB it came with the Touch, no rebate required.
  4. Sometimes you can, others it makes no difference. But like you I think the slightly more expensive, newer, better equipped version makes good economic sense in this case. And I'm not sure if the Touch promo is still running or not, I haven't seen anything about that in a while.
  5. Make sure you use the education discount, Mike.
  6. With a wee discount mine shows as $929 for the cheapest refurb pro (13").
  7. The leak hasn't helped their stock today, which is currently down 1.77%. And Jacob, I'm not saying that I disagree with you, only that if Apple really cared there would be an injunction in place already and his holy Jobses would have rained down all manner of plague upon them.
  8. n_maher

    slow forum

    ^^ The Apocalyptic Illustrations of Steve McGhee | Amusing Planet
  9. Upon what grounds? Illegal finding and fiddling with? If Apple was going to do anything they'd have come after them fast and furious last week when the first photo leaked. I suspect they are secretly loving the buzz and hype and will whine and cry to keep up the appearance that they are not pleased. I think they see Android (starting with the Droid) as the first real threat to the iPhone for the first time since its initial launch.
  10. If you feel that way about a 13" screen I wonder what you'll think about the pad's 10"er?
  11. I'd give CNC Machine Shop | Custom Waterjet, Plasma, Laser Cutting | eMachineShop.com a shot. In that type of quantity it may prove affordable.
  12. Dinny, Notice I said Macbook, not Pro. If I were buying an Ipad I'd never buy the 16GB, $499 model. I'd run out of space in a hurry and I remember often cursing my Touch for being wifi crippled so that means 3G too. Add that up and I'd swiftly be dropping $729 on something that is not a computer and something that requires that you have it tethered to an actual computer. With my discount I can get a brand new Macbook for $899 which to me just makes infinitely more sense for my use case and sounds to me like it's more what you're after as well. I want to offload and upload pictures, download movies and watch them (not just from Apple or Netflix), rip CD's and DVD's, blah blah blah. That's my 2
  13. So I got to try one of these this weekend at the Apple store in Boston. While cool I didn't find it magical or particularly revolutionary. I still think that there's a certain type of user for which this is the perfect device, I'm just not it. If I spent any significant amount of time on a bus, train or plane it'd be a no brainer but for casual web surfing on the couch I greatly prefer my macbook. I also found the aluminum chassis to be very slick and imagine that most will use a case simply to have something more tactile to hold onto. The screen is also (as already reported) a finger-print magnet which in the insanely bright lights of the store was pretty distracting. Conclusion - I doubt I'll own one any time soon unless I come into more money than I know what to do with.
  14. Agreed, the mix of metric and standard (mm dims, 4-40 screws) doesn't seem likely to be found on a shelf.
  15. W5000, good lord I did not like them. Seriously though Dinny, perhaps checking out the D7000 would be a good idea. I think they can often be found in the 5-600 range and Tyll spoke pretty highly of them.
  16. Congrats!
  17. Not really, no. I have one has well and its functionality is pretty much limited to PCBs with those big jaws although as Chris said you can buy other heads for it.
  18. The model 301 has served me well for many years now. PanaVise Products, Inc. One thing that might be worth adding would be the 312 base, which adds a lot of stability and a place to stash a few parts while you're working. PanaVise Products, Inc. And you might find both cheaper with a little searching, I can't remember where I ordered my stuff from in '04.
  19. Where there's a will (and sufficient stupidity) there's a way, Mark! What is really epic about the thing is that the 1/2" diameter tool holder works perfect for the wood router bits that I have. The wood bits not surprisingly cut much better than the end mills that I have on hand. And of course things like this really are a sickness, just dropped $130 on accessories to make it more "useful".
  20. Yup, it has two digital scales hard mounted to the table. I just tested the first use case - precision wood router for recessing thick wood front and back panels. It rocks. This should work equally well for aluminum and will be tested in the very near future.
  21. I got a screaming deal on it Steve, $300 with a (semi) crappy stand, the tooling and some aftermarket tool holders. Just the two DRO scales cost a third of that at least and the tool holders another $50+. And Stretch, while I could, I won't, we're still going fancy with yours and I promise progress next week.
  22. I was getting anxious waiting for the big mill to show up (still weeks away) and spotted something interesting on Craigslist, which I went to pick up this afternoon. It's a well worn Grizzly G8689 that came with a bit of tooling and DRO's on both the X and Y axis. I've already made some wood chips with it and it won't be long before I throw some aluminum on the table and get serious.
  23. I doubt it, as useful as it may be given that I think my MB is just slightly too small a viewing surface already and my penchant for multitasking while I browse I have yet to find somewhere where the "bulk" of the MB is a problem. I'm not saying I don't get it, but I also get why some people don't want it.
  24. I have a harder time figuring out what I'd use an iPad for than I do a MBP.
  25. Indeed. My dad is a wood hound, he's got a storage shed out behind the house with 500 board feet of various types from Oak, to Cherry, Ash, Maple and a few others I think. I hope to add a new dimension to the hilarity of my shop today, pics to follow later tonight.
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