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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. The hi-def downloads are few and far between and seemingly random. The real problem is that the regular def stuff looks awful scaled up.
  2. Thanks for that. Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Page Blocked URL address: RadarVirtuel.com with a Volcano Ashes Layer Rating: Dangerous Threat details: Verified fraud page or threat source.
  3. Do your self a favor and buy one of these if you don't have something like it, it's the best $30 I ever spent. Irwin Unibit #1 High Speed Steel Fractional Self-Starting/Hole Enlarging Step Drill Bit, Model# 10231 | Step Drill Bits | Northern Tool + Equipment Ignore the picture, it's from 1/8" to 1/2" although the one that goes up to 7/8" is pretty handy to have as well. I got a set of 3 back when I started and still use all of them all the time. My dremel is almost entirely ignored, it's too unwieldy. The vid would be very cool but I fear 9" may be tough to accommodate some days. I've had designs on doing something custom but like just about everything else I dream up it stays in the mist.
  4. NOICE! I do note a distinct lack of round-hole cutting accessories and tools though. I'll also be very curious to hear your thoughts on the fume extractor, the more I've read about them the more frustrated I get since all of the small desktop-sized ones seem to require sitting directly on top of the work to do anything.
  5. If that's an option I'd definitely do that.
  6. This. Seriously Boo, get as much $$ back as you can.
  7. n_maher

    Top Gear

    I haven't heard or read anything official but historically the spring season has started anywhere from early to late May but more recently mid to late June. [edit]Shit, just read a report that says July to avoid conflicts with the world cup. Effing soccer.
  8. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    I'll bring up your name with Jude and see about getting it removed.
  9. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Question - do MOTs who are attending but not displaying pay the standard member rate? No, dammit, I'm not becoming an MOT.
  10. Cool Doug, looking forward to it. We'll see if I attack the case with the mill.
  11. That's some solid customer service right there. Nice to see companies will to make rational exceptions to policies.
  12. Major bummer Boo, here's to hoping tomorrow is a better day.
  13. Crap Greg, that sucks.
  14. I don't think so, probably a bit closer to half price based on the sale of multiple customs I watched earlier in the year. Marc, if you feel like you need a trial of customs in general to make sure there something you could live with (and I fully endorse that plan) I'd skew even cheaper than the JH5s. I think you can get better bang/buck out of other companies at the low end or by taking existing IEMs and getting them reshelled into customs.
  15. He is, afterall, a semi-professional reviewer.
  16. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    I'm sure it's something like "how few can we offer at the discount to maximize the number we can sell at full price".
  17. Jebus dude, do we need to get the unmarked van and come capture/rescue you for the weekend?
  18. Aw Stretch, you didn't have to buy me one but it's cool that you did.
  19. I am losing a bit of respect for Gizmodo in all this. I understand the desire to break the story and be the first out of the gate but their flippant reply to Apple's letter does not sit well with me.
  20. I'm seeing reports of CC's getting charged today for 3G iPads so I expect some of you will see similar things happening shortly.
  21. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    You guys need volunteers for roving security like last year?
  22. Did you expect that he'd tell you it wouldn't sound as good as the competition?
  23. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Ditto this.
  24. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Hell no. all work and no play makes nate something something
  25. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Time off from work secured. I'll be there Friday a bit before noon. Can I still play or am I not cool?
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