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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. My link was to the forums/index.php? page, but the root .org address does indeed show a HD800 for me. My guess is that Senn is one of the early adopters/sponsors so they get top billing. Too bad Justin couldn't get the Meier Audio Gilmore Lite picture there.
  2. I almost always run 12KF6s.
  3. There isn't one on mine.
  4. Bwaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha.
  5. Resistance of the individual channels is hardly a good measure of matching since that resistance is simply used as a voltage divider so the two wipers could be wildly different and still well matched. A better way to check and see if it's in the pot is to feed the amp a 1kHz wave and measure v-in and v-out at the pot. You can use your laptop as a signal generator for this purpose and get much better and easily interpreted results. And lest anyone think I was smart enough to come up with this on my own, Justin is the one who suggested it to me when I was fighting a similar problem on a different amp.
  6. Captain Lazy, please do a bit of reading. kthxbye
  7. You know the drill, pics or ban.
  8. Greg Laswell - Take A Bow
  9. The comments section is funnier than the add. # bunny194 i understand what the commercial is for but i dont understand why a beaver is used. Can someone explain, please?
  10. I'm sorry, I simply can't help myself. This add makes me laugh my ass off every time I see it. YouTube - Apology. U by Kotex
  11. Any idea what the line voltage was during those tests? Would have been fun to have the supply hooked up to a variac to see if it was simply getting too little ACin to regulate or if it was regulated to the wrong voltage. Also, any idea what the USB spec actually requires? Maybe 4.3VDC is really ok?
  12. My concern would be how to check the output of the USB power thing and make sure it's acceptably regulated?
  13. Mike, from what I've heard OS 4.0 isn't coming to the iPad until the fall so it's going to be a while before you get multitasking.
  14. With a recommendation like that how could I not track it down. Listening to this now, liking it a lot. Thanks Boo.
  15. Justified is indeed a great show. Add Caprica to that list which while a bit slow has been pretty good so far too and I'm hopeful that they get enough time to really get it going.
  16. Try this - Jameco Electronics JAMECO RELIAPRO: GPU410500500WD00: Power Supplies & Wall Adapters If that link doesn't work search Jameco's site for 164101.
  17. I know that MisterX recommended one to me at one point but I can't put my finger on it right now (it was years ago). I also swear that there used to be one listed on amb's site but it's not there now. Fudge.
  18. I think HP decided that it would rather use i's newest OS (via Palm acquisition) than struggle with the mess that is Windows 7 Phone 7 Mobile 7, whatever. So while they killed their Win7 tablet I doubt they killed their tablet.
  19. The Dead Weather - Horehound
  20. With as much gain as the Millett has I'd never put a stepper in there. I suspect that Marc may have been hinting at this...
  21. Community has been one of the few consistently very good shows this year along with Modern Family.
  22. Pfffft. Man the eff up and buy the transport!
  23. Should be a great car, Deepak. I still wish we had ours.
  24. Oh dear, what have you done?
  25. Legion of Green Men - The Borderless Beyond
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