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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. n_maher

    slow forum

    G-Shot Puts Sparks Back In Your Sex Life - WGNO Kind of long, but there's a moment at the end worth waiting for.
  2. Those of you with 3G models, how's your battery life shaping up?
  3. I can think of a lot of ways in which that would not be the case, it would depend entirely on the provisions contained within the contract which I know for a fact that I haven't seen.
  4. I find it odd that you're supposed to be organizing a national meet but haven't been seen on HF for months.
  5. By relative comparison to other world powers it doesn't seem all that grand to me.
  6. Ugh, sorry to hear that Dinny. My wife is a migraine sufferer and it sucks.
  7. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Superb work as usual, Ed.
  8. Wayne, If you find yourself near the seacoast and want to grab lunch drop me a message. Required Atom driving, Rt 1A, start in either Hampton (take 101 east all the way till you hit sand) or in Portsmouth (harder to give brief directions at that end).
  9. Worse still, UPS may charge you a brokerage fee for getting the package through Customs. I'd send a little note to ED and express your dismay along with plainly stating that you won't be responsible for any of UPS's transaction fees since the USPS doesn't charge any.
  10. I agree Dan, the latest 4G iPhone looks pretty polished and ready for prime time. Rumors have it called the iPhone HD although that would seem to be a bit of a misnomer since even with the reported screen resolution being 960x640 it doesn't match any real HD standard. I'll be watching with interest this summer since I'm not on a contract with anyone for any device right now.
  11. Sweet!
  12. Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja
  13. I certainly don't want to pay another $25 for it whether it's a dedicated iPad plan or an add on to my existing phone data plan.
  14. Just create enough thickness with the white out to make it believable and then accent with black as needed. Make it look like shit.
  15. Dan, White out and magic marker, make it look like bird poop, seriously.
  16. Hook them up, you won't care anymore about their size. Seriously though, give yourself time to acclimate to them.
  17. So I got some more face time with an Ipad this weekend and came away more impressed than my first hands on experience. If AT&T ever opens up tethering or I switch to a phone that already does it I'll probably pick one up. My office doesn't have wifi (no need for it) and memories of being frustrated with the Touch as a result are enough to keep me from buying one now.
  18. You seem to be assuming that he didn't tell me what he paid, he did. He was upfront from the get go, it just so happened that his honesty hampered his ability to sell them on Head-Fi. There's no more to it than that.
  19. I really try not to think what I have tied up in my 307A build, it hurts.
  20. The reason he's not selling them there is that he asked if he could and I said no. The listing would have been a pretty flagrant violation of the flipping rule, despite his intentions, and given the public's perception seemed like a bad idea.
  21. I'm trying hard to give him another chance.
  22. I am not. Are they making $$, of course they are. Did you expect them to build it for free?
  23. Please elaborate, I assume that you must have vast knowledge of the internal workings of this product that allow you to make anything remotely close to a substantive claim regarding the profit margin. Me, I have no clue what's in the boxes, Pete hasn't told me much of anything. If it's similar in terms of profit margin to the original 307A I can tell you that it's probably lower than other manufacturers of hand-built, made in the USA, products. I've actually worked on and repaired a 307A so I'd guess I know I touch more about this topic than most. Otherwise you win the "Most HF-like" post of the day award, David.
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