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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Ryan, If you're still hunting for an apple case this guy is local. iPad accessories - Head-Fi.org Community
  2. Modern Family
  3. Mike, are you serious, 2Hz? I thought that all (or at least most?) phono pre's had some sort of high pass filter to eliminate the otherwise inaudible low end to specifically avoid cooking woofers?
  4. You can, but most reports are that upscaled/doubled apps look pretty shitty and most developers are coming out with new, pay for it again, versions for the ipad despite what Steve led people to believe at the product announcement. If you don't think you need much space on the pad Ryan I'd really think long and hard about the 3G/16GB version. I don't have wifi at work, there are no local hotspots for me, and without web service the capabilities of the iPad are pretty much castrated. Yes the $130 pill is a sucky one to swallow but it'd be worse to end up with a borderline useless $500 device.
  5. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Sorry to hear that Curra, we'll raise a glass or 20 in your and the other absentee members' honor.
  6. Ryan, Not that I know jack but I would find it very hard to believe that they're going to introduce a new version this summer before they can even really fill demand for the first version. That said if I were buying one now it'd be the 32GB, 3G version. There are enough places around me that simply don't have wifi that it would be maddening to own a wifi-only version and tethering doesn't seem to be something that's going to be readily available to me for a while either.
  7. When did you get a macbook pro? Glad to hear the problem was resolved, the case on my macbook is cracked and I need to make an appointment to get it fixed but the closest apple store is 45min. away and I don't go anywhere near it on a regular basis.
  8. I figured I'd toss in another option, Drew from Moon Audio now offers a cable-mount-specific Stax plug (pro only). I ordered one to fix an adapter that a friend sent me, it should be here in a few days and I'll try to remember to post my impression of working with it. It should provide a much easier and better looking alternative to the Allied plug. At $15 it strikes me as exceptionally reasonably priced.
  9. Neko Case - Middle Cyclone I occasionally forget how brilliant this album is.
  10. I fear the Sony is not expensive enough to use with the T2.
  11. The cost of 3G for me means 32GB instead of 64GB since there's just no way that I can mentally justify spending more on the iPad than I practically did on my Macbook. As is usually the case I find myself on the precipice of needing to do something about my home computer situation since my last effort quite literally crashed and burned and the more I spend on the pad the less I'll have to spend on the home solution.
  12. Perhaps I'm thinking of another reference then, I know that at one time I'd found a page that described connecting pin1 (not just the shield) at only one end. I agree with the way rane has it shown in that image.
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. I would expect that a 100W Class A (if really pure) would get motherfracking hot.
  15. I wouldn't bother John, he made his decision(s) for whatever reason.
  16. There have been multiple occasions where I made cables for folks who requested they be built to the rane standard (pin one connected on one end only) and in all cases the cables have produced hum that was only cured by connecting pin 1 at both ends. Small sample size, but still... Now if I were building shielded cables, which is to say cables that had both a conductor for pin 1 and also a shield, I would only connect the shield at one end.
  17. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Bummer Deepak, I hope all is ok or at least will be ok eventually.
  18. My actions speak for me, yours for you, I'll leave interpretation to anyone who cares. I'm not worried.
  19. It's your call if you want to quit the meet team, not mine, I just think it doesn't reflect particularly well on you.
  20. Still up for debate, I wish I knew if my cell phone plan would eventually offer tethering. And thanks Mike, but I'm a ways away from making the purchase.
  21. I started my iPad fund today.
  22. Yup, I've used this in the past. M-Audio Transit Sound card - 96 kHz - 24-bit But now I just run slim server on the netbook and use the SB3, it's easier to control.
  23. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    I think what we will do is take a few small containers, pour a dram in each and ship them to Jacob.
  24. Anyone try hooking up a M-Audio USB transit to this thing yet to see if you can get a real digital signal out of the iPad?
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